So this week we finished off the family fun badge, with Jaimee planning and preparing a meal for us tonight. She wanted to make chicken pies, as seen in her "4 ingredients for kids" cookbook - I was delighted, a nice easy one to support her in! She had to cut the chicken up ("oh THATS what cubing means.....ew, it feel so gross and slimy...is that fat? What about that?"), cook the chicken, open a can of chicken soup and mix in the frozen Veg. She had to do the salad,she cut the pastry and filled the pies...and boy was she beaming at the finished product. And it was yummy, we all finished our plates! Well done Jaimee.

Jaimee also had to do a craft project, and I could have used knitting with granma, but today she saw me doing some very basic sewing and wanted to try. I told her I was making doll blankets for aunty Cheryl's baby, and she thought that was great. (Sorry cheryl, I was actually making guinea pig pads but couldn't tell her that as she doesn't know they are joining the family yet!) I giggled though as she happily sewed saying "wow mum, I don't think you have ever done sewing before for anyone. She will love them!". Hmmm I doubt it, my skill set is rather limited and I'm glad these were for animals, but Jaimee did a lovely job all the same :)

...and here Jaimee is checking off her list on Saturday for the picnic she planned for her family. We went to Cornwall park for lunch with granma, playing T-ball and munching on the cupcakes Jaimee whipped up that morning. We won't mention the utter failure of the team sport, with Luke screaming in anger every time it wasn't his turn....the rest of the picnic was lovely!