Following on from our gaming fun with my parents at the end of April, the Wii has been 'rediscovered' in our family. We have finally purchased a couple of extra controllers, so now we can all play together. Marty decided to introduce the girls to a bit of sword fighting this week, which they have really taken to. I have a horrid feeling that his competitive streak may be coming out in our children, as Jaimee flings her wii wildly about as fast as she can, and then jumps up and down laughing with glee as she watches her sister's character fall hundreds of feet off a podium into the water. Kate is far too busy watching the screen to bother moving her hand very much at all, so Marty gave her a bit of assistance.

Wakeboarding was next on the agenda (we like to do extreme sports after dinner in our family), and not a bad effort by all three family members. Luke and I watched on, rather amused as Marty worked hard to beat his young children.

Check out the grin on Jaimee's face as she wipes her father out in sword fighting. She is a mean machine at this game!

Of course, I would like the record to show that after all this screen time, they did sit down together for their nightly chapter of "The Magic Wishing Chair" by Enid Blyton, exhausted after all those extreme sports!
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