Tuesday, 26 June 2012

In our house....

In our house, we had 7 little girls playing all together. Such fun!
In our house, there is a lot of snot this week.  As I type, the girls and I are cuddled up watching Disney's "The Sword in the Stone" on a Tuesday morning, with a box of tissues next to the two sniffing girls and an equally blocked up baby in bed (meant to be napping, but it doesn't sound like its going to happen).  I am a bit drippy too, but still managing to ignore it...let's hope mummy stays well.  Jaimee probably could have gone to school, but I took pity on her blocked up self with one week to go until holidays, I think she is well ready for a break.  We all are ready for the holidays in our house.

In our house, Jaimee has just got new shoes - a huge event in our house, where my girls are generally in the same size shoe. She got some silver sequined flats to wear with her tights...and poor Kate is so jealous! Kate is our resident shoe girl, and she had her turn a few months back when she got some pretty pink 'ballet' flats all for herself. But they were forgotten in the fresh sight of sparkles, and at dinner time last night, this was her heartfelt prayer:
"Dear God, thank you for our food. Thank you for our day. Please help me not to be jealous about Jaimee's sparkly shoes. Amen."
Marty and I sneaked a grin at each other at the sheer honesty and genuine desire to have a good attitude!

In our house, the adults are feeling a bit sore this week.  Last night, we did the first of a new 5 DVD series we purchased: "Jillian Michaels: The Biggest Winner!"  She is the personal trainer featured on the show "The Biggest Loser" and she was MEAN.    With lines like "you should be in constant pain", "you brought this DVD, you want it...now you have to do the work" and yelling at us to do it again, lift our knees higher - both Marty and I were like jelly at the end of the half hour.    The girls always hop out of bed and come and tell us off for jumping like a herd of elephants while they are trying to sleep!  It is worth it though, I am definitely noticing a difference.

In our house, Luke was the baby King and Kate was the dragon.
In our house, Luke wants to stand up but is just not quite there yet. This is resulting in a few tumbles and a few tears. Yesterday I giggled as he tried to move around from holding onto the armchair to holding onto the couch - a move that required him to take just one step unaided. He reached out...and promptly collapsed on the floor, howling in frustration. It's OK baby boy, you will be running soon enough!

Anyway, that's whats going on in our house at the moment.  Till next blog....

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