Today Kate graduated from daycare.
It was a big deal for an almost 5 year old, and one we were not going to miss. Kate made me promise to come to her ceremony, and I was happy to oblige. For the first half hour I got to taste the celebrity life as all her little friends flocked around me, begging me to hold their hand and dragging me from toy to toy. They kept calling out to me "Kate's mum, come and see this...". I reminded them with a laugh that I was Nikki, and I used to be their teacher when they were under 2s!
Lisa and Kate go for a trip down memory lane |

Soon it was time for the special mat time that all 5 year olds have at Nurtured. Lisa, you do an AMAZING job making these kids feel like they are the most special 5 year old in the whole world. Kate got to wear the birthday hat (which lasted only for the photo as she preferred her tiara) and then sat on the chair of honour as Lisa showed everyone her Rascals profile book. They talked about how far her artwork had come in 2 years, giggled at photos of PJ days and pointed out various special memories to the group of listening children. The grin did not leave Kate's face.

After a rousing chorus of "Happy School Days to You", Kate graduated with a certificate and a handshake from Lisa. The birthday girl got to choose who washed their hands through a hearty sing-song that had us all giggling. At the table, there were trick candles in the cupcakes that we had made to share - Kate tried SO hard the sweetie.
I soon had to leave and go to work, but not without a beautiful new storybook for Kate from Rascals (we gave them one too) and her precious profile book tucked under my arm - complete with a heartfelt goodbye letter that Lisa personally writes for each child as they 'graduate' that made me shed just a wee tear. You captured her personality completely in that letter Lisa, it just reminds me that you and the team really do take the time to get to know our precious children. THAT is why I love Nurtured.

I really do love the Nurtured family - Lisa, Dave and Leanne treat the children like they are truly family and the centre has such a wonderful feeling. I have even mentioned that I would be keen to come back and do some relief work this year for Rascals, who are just the best. I miss working there! As I hugged them goodbye, I promised to come visit with Kate in her school uniform in a few weeks time (Dave was on holiday so missed a goodbye!) and made them all promise not to go anywhere before Luke turns 3 and we get to come back for another wonderful 2 years.

Later on we had a really nice barbeque dinner (once we refilled the gas bottle half way through cooking!) in the sunshine with Poppa and Oma who have come down for the occasion, finishing off with yummy plum crumble. The girls delighted in reading Poppa and Oma books before they settled down for the night. Its a big day tomorrow as Kate turns 5 and has her party...so I am off to make a cake now. Its been a lovely day.

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