Whew! What a whirlwind week this has been. I have been really looking forward to this easter break, where for the first time in a long long time we have absolutely no plans. There is something nice about waking up and just lying in bed, letting the kids watch cartoons and not rushing somewhere. Bliss.
There was a moment this afternoon where I just sat staring into space with no idea what to do with myself. That hasn't happened in a long time.
Of course, I am a sucker for punishment or perhaps just a little bit crazy.... so with such a blissfully blank weekend in front of us, I organised for Jaimee's best buddy Jordis to stay the night last night. The kids had a blast Thursday afternoon playing out in the 'new' playroom (more on that soon) away from my ears , and then we all curled up after dinner and watched the movie "Brother Bear". It was fun to finally have the girls at that stage where we can all giggle along at the funny bits together and don't have to explain them as we watch. Have you seen that movie? The I Spy (Tree) scene is the best ever.
The wonderful thing about having a sleepover with a 5,6 and 7 year old is that everyone is sound asleep before 9.30pm. The not so wonderful thing is that the 5 year old makes sure the fun and games start up again at 6.45am! We woke on Good Friday to giggles but the Kidzone channel saved the day and we were still able to get a sleep in. Home made hot cross buns for breakfast and an easter devotion set the idealic mood for the day.....
you would think so anyway.
Actually, what followed was not quite so lovely. Jaimee requested some time alone with Jordis. Fair enough.
Let me give you a wee bit of background here: We are doing a Parenting course at the moment, and one of the things we have been thinking about more is the need for the girls to be able to have time to themselves - not easy when they share a room and are best friends. I had spent all of Wednesday swapping around our guest room and our playroom so that the girls would have a really nice space to 'get away' - a room that they can go to and just hang out alone if they want some space. Jaimee has just started hinting that she would appreciate some time out. Unfortunately, Kate is on the crazy end of the 'needs people with her' scale and the idea of time without her big sister is the most devastating news she could ever recieve. She HATES being alone. If it isn't Jaimee, it must be a parent. Never alone. So this playroom will be just as good for her as she learns to enjoy her own company.
Back to today. We were happy to grant Jaimee and Jordis some 'friends' time together without little sister tagging along.Off they went, leaving behind a miserable Kate, howling with tears and utterly ANGRY at us for allowing such a horrid thing to happen. What followed was one of the worst meltdowns we have seen from one of our children. Full on screams, tears, stomping, yelling, more tears and more screams. It was not a pretty moment. Did you not hear her? Eventually, Marty was able to settle her by playing a game of "Guess Who?" with her. So much for learning to love her own company. It was not happening after a late night and with TWO big girls excluding her at once. After an hour, she was welcomed back into her sisters fold happily, and peace reigned once more. Jordis went home, the afternoon rolled around, and so did that staring into space moment I mentioned earlier. So when Luke woke up I suggested we go out for a bike ride, something I had been hoping to do this weekend. while the long summer was still around. We had borrowed Marty's sisters little bike trailer for the weekend so we could all go together, even Luke, exciting! Luke happily hopped in the trailer seat, but took a while to convince that the helmet was a good idea (once he was distracted by the bike moving he ignored it thanfully). Then we had the drama (while still in the driveway) of Kate not actually being able to get onto her bike. A quick lesson followed, and we were off. Not quite. The chain on my bike was discovered to be off within 10 seconds down the road, so we all pulled over while daddy fixed it. Finally, we were off!! The girls felt so important riding on the road (where there was a cycle lane) and were pretty good at checking the driveways like the policeman at school taught them last week. We rode down to the local primary school and played follow the leader on our bikes around the grounds. Then it was a quick stop at the playground, where Luke called out to us "pooossss!"....which led to a quick stop at granma and grandads house round the corner for a nappy/singlet/shorts change. Yep, it was one of THOSE nappies.
We all arrived home in a much better mood, with most of the mornings tantrums, whining and grizzling behind us. And that was our Good Friday - Fun and Furious all rolled into one.
Some reasons I love annual church family camp.....
1. This camp is not just for 'families' - it is not just for parents and their children. When we lined up all those at camp on Saturday morning in age order, I stepped back and smiled. There were babies there (not lining up). There were 3 year olds there. There were single ladies in their sixties. Couples in their fifties. And every age group in between was represented. I love this multi-generational community way of life. Check out my girls, who spent the weekend glued to their idols, the 'big girls'. Grace, Annah, Michaela, Katie....the list goes on. My girls were in big girl heaven as they poured out love and attention on my children. Poor Grace may have had enough by Sunday afternoon, but she was ever patient with Kate, who sat on her lap and twirled Grace's hair happily.
2. My girls got to spend time just being girls with their peers. Lucy and Millie, Jaimee and Kate...the four girls had a fantastic time playing and giggling, chatting and hanging out. Forming friendship with their church family in a relaxed setting.
3. I get to be me with my church crew. Not Nikki, Children Ministry Leader. Just Nikki. I sit down and have coffee. I share and I listen. I do handstands with the youth group. I participate, not lead. I take a deep breath away from everything.
4. I see my husband with a gleam in his eye, a grin on his face and a laugh in his voice. From organising the team relay race in fine detail, to running the (as said by the people: "favourite event") annual Camp Quiz Night...this is Marty the way that God made him to be. He shines. I love it. And I know he does too.
This years camp group was smaller then previous years. We tried a new setting and we cut costs by self catering. It was different from previous years. But it was relaxed. People connected. It was a happy time. Yes, we can tweak things a bit for next time. Top of the list is plunger coffee. But all in all, I feel like I got to know people better, that my children got to know people better, and that God was giving us the big thumbs up as we did 'church' the way that he intended. Generations coming together in relationship, family (in the wider community sense of the word) being family.
Count me in for sure next year.
Thanks Granny for the amazing photos yet again!
More generations loving each other....High fives for everyone!
The sun was shining. The camping ground rang out with the sounds of happy children dragging heavy wooden benches around to create obstacle courses. Everything was well at Omatua, where Village Baptist Church were hosting their annual family camp.
Suddenly a loud piercing scream broke the happy calm. A child was crying somewhere, noted Nikki as she continued to try and settle Luke for a late afternoon nap. Kate is crying somewhere, noted Marty as he set up the upcoming relay race. The cry carried on....and on.
All of a sudden it dawned on Nikki that the voice was her own childs. Racing out of the cabin, she raced across to where Kate sat clutching her foot in a most distressed state, surrounded by concerned adults and peers.
Looking closer, Nikki could not help but observe the gushing blood now dripping all over the concrete. From one direction appeared Marty, who had realised that Kate's cries had still not stopped. From another direction appeared a doctor and a nurse (the blessings of having a few medics in the church family). Nikki scooped up Kate and raced to the toilets to clean the crimson toe.
Cut to the next scene.
Nikki is sitting on the cabin steps, with Kate in her lap. The doctor holds a wad of paper towels around the toe, which is still gushing blood. People are everywhere. One goes for Kate's favourite teddy. Another rescues the screaming Luke from his cot. A quick debate between Granny and Grampa Muz follows: Who will take Kate and Nikki to the hospital, half an hour away. Kate screams throughout all the commotion. Pamol is given, bandages are swiftly found.
Cut to the next scene.
Nikki had whispered in her ear on the way into the A&E that she was allowed to start screaming again now if she wanted, but with no luck. Drat, thinks Nikki. A sleepy (perhaps in shock? wonders Nikki with worry) Kate waits 2 hours to be seen by a doctor. While Nikki updates facebook with the breaking news, A loving Granny reads countless books to Kate. Kate returns the love by teaching Granny how to play Angry Birds.
Kate helpfully shares that she wants a bandage that people can write on. Nikki does not.
Finally, the wait is over. But wait, the doctor wants an X-ray. . Multiple 'mummy' reassuring voices fill the air as Kate bursts into tears at the sight of the strange big machine. After the first xray, Kate realises that this machine does not hurt and calms down considerably. Looking at her (unbroken) toe on the screen helps even more. Granny and Nikki share a relieved look.
Cut to next scene.
Kate is carried into the doctors room with a big smile on her face. Nikki and Granny walk in with somewhat more sobering thoughts, anticipating the screams that are to come as the bandages come off. An angel enters the room. No wait, it is a child friendly nurse, armed with bubbles, a calm and friendly voice and best of all - drugs. The doctor examines the foot while Kate peeks curiously. He breaks the news quietly so Kate doesn't hear....
....The cut has narrowly avoided the nail bed, meaning surgery is not needed. Stitches can also be avoided he believes. All adults in the room look much more relaxed. Drugs are given. The nurse gives control over to the patient. Kate washes her own foot while a disbelieving Nikki watches on. No tears. Not one, even as blood seeps into the water. It just may be a 5 year old Triage miracle.
The angel nurse cheerfully and carefully makes 'mountain climbers' conquer her big toe one by one. 5 mountain climbers, with a special fat lead climber to go across them all. The child watches on silently with great interest as the mountain climbers then get tucked up tight in a special bandage. Granny and Nikki grin as they watch a true expert at work here.
Finally, 3 hours later and feeling rather hungry, thirsty and a little fed up at having missed the entire afternoon's activities at camp...the three generations of girls make their way back to camp to tell the story.
Luke has a visit from the Police at our Playgroup on Tuesday. He was a bit nervous but "wee-ew-wee-ew" is what he says now when he sees a police car!
Wow, has it been a week since I last sat down and wrote a blog post? Must have been a busy week. Oh yeah...It was. Blogging is really a bit of a keepsake journal for me, so bear with me as I do some 'unpacking' on paper computer.
So this week, I got my very first relieving job as a teacher. Pretty exciting to be using my degree for work again, and money is stupidly tight in our home at the moment, so I was keen as mustard (why is mustard keen?)! I rocked on up to "The Big House" at Rascals (3-5 year olds) ready to play and I was not disappointed. The girls stared at me in dumbfounded shock when I started pouring cups of tea and cooking dinner for them...but it didn't take long for them to join in. I had about 8 children crammed around me as we explored an encylepedia about animals, giggling at the funny looking sloth. Ok, so I served up yoghurt instead of lasagne, but I happily put that down to being a reliever and not knowing where the food was, all is forgiven when you are a reliever. I like this! Playing follow the leader outside in the afternoon I was a happy lady, serving where I love to serve - having fun with a bunch of preschoolers...and the best bit? As my energy lagged 5 hours in...it was time to go home and collect my own precious children! I left with a few more working dates lined up, which I promptly celebrated the best way I know how - by shopping!
Yep, I stopped on the way home to pick up a mattress, duvet inner and pillow for Luke (we had been gifted the linen - whew). The girls loved helping me make up the bed as soon as we got home, and Luke just loved having a quick snuggle. That night he refused to go to bed (in his cot) happily, so I popped him under the covers in his new bed. The thumb went in, he gave me a "what-is-this-crazyness" look and I kissed him goodnight. Peeking in a few minutes later, he had not moved one muscle and was still lying there a bit surprised with eyes wide open! After 20 minutes, he still hadn't moved or closed his eyes...but at least he was quiet...and a little bit relieved when mummy finally put him back in his familiar cot, where he promptly fell asleep. Today we had the same drama at naptime....but this time when I put him in his bed he actually fell asleep on his own and slept for 2 hours before toddling out to us. This is going rather well so far!
What else this week? Kate had her first playdate on Friday afternoon at a school friends house, I think it is actually the first time she has gone to a friends without Jaimee for support beside her, but she was so excited it didn't even register until I went to pick her up....and the mum told me that she had started crying after about an hours time for me! Luckily, the clever mother found the best way to keeping my Kate calm....she gave her food...and Kate enjoyed the rest of her time. On reflection, her little friend Ariel is from a (really really nice) Indian family and the culture difference might have been a bit daunting without mummy there for the first visit. These little girls are moving up to the next class together next term, both of their parents lead in local churches, we even live on the same street!!! Needless to say, we are embracing this wee friendship.
While Kate was out and Luke was napping at Granma's house, I sat down with Jaimee for some much desired (for both of us) one-on-one time together. Jaimee had been given one of those paper model kits for Christmas - you know, the ones where you press out a zillion cardboard pieces and slot the numbered tabs into the numbered slots and make a castle/treehouse. After about one piece was completed, with mummy trying very hard not to throw the cardboard on the ground as the stupid tab just did not fit into that tiny slot..and Jaimee rolling around the carpet staring into space and singing a song...we both realised that this was not a great team project. Jaimee became the chief "hander of tape", while I spent TWO HOURS putting together the treehouse. It now sits proudly on her chest of drawers, safely out of Lukes hands, gathering dust and no adoring glances. Really. Why do I bother! Oh that's right, because she is Jaimee and I love her.
The girls were SO excited to be going to a birthday party on Saturday morning, and I just loved the invitation, which came as a golden ticket carefully folded inside a Wonka Bar! Anna, you are so clever...now my girls want a Wonka Party too: I think the chocolate fountain, burping contest and other fun games may have something to do with this! In preparation, we watched the original movie for our weekly "movie night" together on Friday night. The kids just loved the movie, and really got into it. Marty and I had quite a trip down memory lane too as we sung along with the Oompa-Loompas. I never realised as a kid that they sing a different funny verse when each child gets 'eliminated'. Hmm...actually, as I write that I think this movie really is quite Hunger Games-ish isn't it?!
I finished off my busy week with a flying visit to Auckland, pulling the kiddies out of bed at 7am on a Saturday morning and bundling them into dressing gowns to hop in the car and drop mummy off at the airport. Luke went rather big eyed at the plane, but luckily waved me off happily as I boarded. When I returned today, you would have thought I had been away for a year the way the girls launched on me at the door screaming "mummy-mummy-mummy". Luke pointed to me and said "mumeeeeee" with a grin, but wouldn't come to me all day - much preferring daddy then this mother who dared leave him for a night! I wonder what he will be like after almost 3 weeks without me later this year?
It was worth the trip though, I always find that when I get together with other inspired children's ministry leaders my 'tank' gets full up again to overflowing, and I feel recharged for at least another 6 months afterwards. I was encouraged and affirmed, loved and challenged. I came home with a sermon on the tip of my tongue and a determination to share a vision. I love training!!! I came straight from the airport to our church service, and then led some training with new kings kids leaders over pizza. And then I went home and collapsed on my bed. Needless to say, it was takeaways for dinner.
And that is me for now. I leave you with my adorable son and his favourite game: "'eady...doe!"
It makes me and Marty laugh out loud every single time he says it, even when he is barely able to breathe between tickles!
I have been training for the last 2 weekends (both leading and being trained), and next weekend I am off to Auckland for a weekend conference, so I had marked this Saturday (today) in the diary as a "FAMILY DAY" in big letters!
We had recently been blessed with a meal voucher for Jarks cafe out at Waimarama Beach, so that provided the perfect excuse to grab the frisbee and ball and head out to the beach for some fun. It was wonderful to see the beach so empty and clean, and to just walk with no real purpose or intent...just to be with each other. I showed the girls how they could make their footprints deeper by jumping heel first, and they showed me how they can make sand angels.
snapped! lol
Luke happily ran along (well, most of the way), making other walkers smile as they watched his wee chubby legs toddle past them with a "Hi!" called out and a friendly wave. Jaimee and Kate did some "exploring" with their binoculars. I practiced my handsprings and round offs, rather pathetically but its soft enough to risk it on the sand!
We got a ball out and had a hearty game of football, with the girls giggling as they chased it along the beach. Luke prefers to scream at the ball which always seems to be out of his reach until someone gets sick of the noise and gets it close to him....then he picks it up and throws it to daddy (he hasn't quite got the idea of FOOTball).
The girls were keen to get to the playground after a while, so we headed over. Luke freaked Marty out by showing off his new trick that he has been perfecting on the School playground - climbing ladders alone! The flying fox was super popular, with all the kids (including Marty with Luke) having a few goes. I just had to join in when all my family jumped into the boat and take a self taken pic.
Then it was off to Jarks cafe, where we had the most lovely lunch - thank you SO much to our friends for the big blessing! Marty thought the kids hotdogs and chips meals were so cool when they came out served on the plate in their own mini deepfry basket! I enjoyed my fish & chips, Marty had an open steak sandwich which he said was so good...and we even managed to sneak in dessert for everyone.
When we got home (with a snoring Luke), the girls and I settled down with the lego to build a city, incorporating their new lego friends bits which we love. I had so much fun that we didn't stop until Marty came to the door saying "umm...it's 6pm!!!!" HAHA - I couldn't believe I had actually lost track of time like that playing with kids toys! It was a great day, and we finished it off with homemade tomato soup and hot cross buns.
I love days like this, they are too far between but make loads of special memories to carry us over to the next one.
I just had to take a moment to record how homework time rocks in our home at the moment. So that i don't forget how adorable my children are, especially in those moments that I know will come when I am barricading them to a desk to do homework one day!
Spelling time: Kate eagerly sits ready with pen and paper as I read out her words. Luke takes one look at what is going on, says "oh!" And runs off with purpose. I shrug and carry on. Next minute, Luke is back, proudly gripping a pen in one chubby hand and a fresh piece of paper in the other. He plops it down next to Kate's paper, and turns to me expectantly, pen at the ready to spell the next word! Both Kate and I giggle. As I read the word, Luke babbles something in his own language to Kate, probably just chatting about homework stuff, and then they both put pen to paper, little heads bowed in concentration. Both kids turn to me for the next word and my heart melts just a little.
Reading time: I suggest Kate reads to Jaimee tonight (it's the same book I heard last night - give me a break!). Jaimee immediately jumps to the important mother role with great seriousness and importance. Kate reads nicely to her big sister, both heads together as they huddle on the coach. After, Jaimee insists on asking Kate questions about the story , just like we do with her. Jaimee asks a question, and has such a "teacher" expression on her face as Kate thinks of the answer (with a huge grin) that I am totally cracking up laughing inside. After a few questions from teacher Jaimee, the roles are reversed. Jaimee reads her story to Kate, getting totally into the characters and storyline - laughing as she shows me the clowns falling with pie on their face And extremely upset with the nasty clown who did tricks "mum, she is so mean - that wasn't even the other clowns fault!". I melted more as I listened to my girls help each other and enjoy their books. Of course, Kate was not to be outdone and asked Jaimee some questions too: "what did the clown say?" ( I had to suggest she give a page number for Jaimee as the clown had said an awful lot in this book!!).
There - some precious homework moments captured for the record. I love my children.
...oh, and as a PS on the subject, Kate got the school "mathlete" of the week trophy today - a huge thing for a child only at school a month! You go girl!! Once Jaimee understood that this award does not mean Kate gets a canteen voucher like she spent weeks earning last year (only for "gold" achievement) - then she was very proud of her little sister! Hehe
I have just polished off a hot cross bun, fresh out of the oven. I have never made hot cross buns before, but I can see quite a few of these in my future. My new breadmaker has been on full steam all day, starting at 8am this morning with a loaf of bread for our neighbours, who are going through that awful cancer journey with their teenage son at the moment. As soon as that beeped, in went what was going to be hot cross buns...except that I got sidetracked and didn't hear the cue to add all the extra bits that are signature to the easter treats. Ah well, we have more yummy bread rolls in our freezer for lunches now anyway. They make great burger buns too. Did I fail to mention that meanwhile I had the other baking for my family sorted for the week - cake, slice and bikkies. While mixing furiously I did inform Marty at lunchtime today he must remember how spoilt my family were!!! My grand finale was that I did more buns, this time adding sultanas and spices without fail!
The best thing about baking like this is that It gives a wonderful illusion of domestic quietness and order. In reality it is a little different, but the smells wafting from my kitchen are fooling me. I have had such a chaos busy week, and there are not many signs that it is going to ease up before the school holidays. Between training as a parent mentor for Fresh Perspective organisation (taking 2 full Saturdays), the Kings Kids leadership training I am facilitating (4 Sunday's after church) and the upcoming Parenting Course we are running at our home soon over 5 evenings...there is a lot on. I literally worked ALL weekend (although it was my own choice to spend all Sunday evening working on Worship songs for the kids!).
So my new breadmaker is doing it's job really well. I haven't pulled a 'shop' loaf of bread out of the freezer for 2 weeks now. In fact, I didn't even order bread this week. Not only is the breadmaker churning out yummy fresh bread every couple of days, I have been delighted to find that the kids only need one slice of this thick warm stuff to full their tummies. Gone is the "I'm Hungry" whine. The girls each have their favourites - white bread being the ultimate weekend treat. Jaimee isn't too fussed on Soy and Linseed Bread (my favourite) but I did a secret mum fist pump when they agreed they love the multigrain bread full of kibbled wheat and a huge variety of healthy grains. Tastes just like Vogel, may I boast. And the smell of fresh bread makes for wonderful aromo-therapy, calming my being so I can continue on in my flury of activity happily.