Sunday, 24 March 2013

VBC Family Camp 2013

Some reasons I love annual church family camp.....
1.  This camp is not just for 'families' - it is not just for parents and their children.  When we lined up all those at camp on Saturday morning in age order, I stepped back and smiled.  There were babies there (not lining up).  There were 3 year olds there.  There were single ladies in their sixties.  Couples in their fifties.  And every age group in between was represented.  I love this multi-generational community way of life.  Check out my girls, who spent the weekend glued to their idols, the 'big girls'.  Grace, Annah, Michaela, Katie....the list goes on.  My girls were in big girl heaven as they poured out love and attention on my children.   Poor Grace may have had enough by Sunday afternoon, but she was ever patient with Kate, who sat on her lap and twirled Grace's hair happily.
2.  My girls got to spend time just being girls with their peers.  Lucy and Millie, Jaimee and Kate...the four girls had a fantastic time playing and giggling, chatting and hanging out.   Forming friendship with their church family in a relaxed setting.

3.  I get to be me with my church crew.  Not Nikki, Children Ministry Leader.  Just Nikki.  I sit down and have coffee.  I share and I listen.  I do handstands with the youth group.  I participate, not lead. I take a deep breath away from everything.

4.  I see my husband with a gleam in his eye, a grin on his face and a laugh in his voice.   From organising the team relay race in fine detail, to running the (as said by the people: "favourite event") annual Camp Quiz Night...this is Marty the way that God made him to be.  He shines.  I love it.  And I know he does too.  

This years camp group was smaller then previous years. We tried a new setting and we cut costs by self catering.  It was different from previous years.  But it was relaxed.  People connected.  It was a happy time. Yes, we can tweak things a bit for next time.  Top of the list is plunger coffee.  But all in all, I feel like I got to know people better, that my children got to know people better, and that God was giving us the big thumbs up as we did 'church' the way that he intended. Generations coming together in relationship, family (in the wider community sense of the word) being family.  

Count me in for sure next year.  

Thanks Granny for the amazing photos yet again!

More generations loving each other....High fives for everyone!

Luke and his crew.  Boys hanging.  

chatting and chilling in the sun.  
Happy and relaxed.  

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