Just like my Sisters.... |
...I can read in bed too! |
This weeks special moments:
- Jaimee has been praying for our neighbour Bradley, who is currently undergoing some serious cancer treatment for a brain tumour. I always pray in the car on the way to school, and lately she has been joining in with some adorable wee heartfelt prayers for Brad. "Give the doctors wisdom to know what to do, help his family to not be scared and make his cancer go away and help him put on weight" she prayed this week sweetly, bringing a tear to my eye.

- We went on a family bike ride on Easter Monday in Napier. I am not sure how Marty managed to fit our 4 bikes plus a bike trailer AND all of us in the car, but where there is a determined daddy, there is success. We had a great time, and we found lots of pictures of Brad along the way much to the girls delight! (His school had recently done a fundraising walk for the Ronald Mcdonald House along this route, with Brad as their 'face').
- Luke has been throwing some major tantrums, on the brink of turning 2 he is becoming much more vocal. "No!" he will tell us, shaking his head furiously. If we insist, screaming can happen next. He was sent to his room twice at dinner time this week, we just plonk him in his room to cry it out and he stays put, even with the door open. I don't think he has yet realised he could move if he wanted to!
- Everything is a "wee-ew-wee-ew" at the moment: planes, cars, buses, trees. Luke gets especially excited if he actually DOES see a police car!
- Kate has been amazingly brave with her toe drama. I was dreading the doctors visit to take the bandages off her toe 10 days after her accident, but she didn't even whimper, just watched curiously and asked for a lolliepop afterwards! The doc told us there is a small chance her toenail will not grow back when the old nail falls off, but we won't know that for months yet. Her vain mummy hopes her little girl will get a new nail to paint all pretty in summer heels one day.
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