The girls have been practicing their routines SO hard over the last few weeks for their inter-school gymnastics competition, and it all paid off today. Jaimee had been working especially hard on being able to do a forward roll to a stand without putting her hands down on the floor for support as she gets up. She finishes a roll with one leg straight (I think this is a scar tissue flexibility issue, she just cant tuck both legs together!), which makes it twice as hard to get on her feet from a roll. My heart was bursting with pride today when she pulled off her floor routine BEAUTIFULLY - nice sharp straight movements, holding her plank for two seconds perfectly straight and rolling to stand WITH NO hands touching that floor. A big smile and a salute to the judge left her with an "excellent" on her score card.
Kate did really well too, considering she is very young to be in the gym comp. She FLEW through her floor routine in about 20 seconds flat (see the video, its nice and short!) but was definitely one of the most tidy routines in her wee class. If only she had slowed down a little bit - the same issue Jaimee had the year before actually! But don't you worry Kate, you got an "excellent" on your beam routine, which was awesome - I am sure I would have fallen doing all those tricky movements up so high.

A fun afternoon for me and Luke too, playing parent helper and helping walk the kids down for the event. Luke LOVED having a turn in the foam pit. I even managed to sneak in a wee flip on the trampoline much to the amusement of the kids in Jaimee's class. One of the coaches who does gym with me on a Monday night was judging the beam, so it was a bonus to be able to yak to her and point out my wee angels (who she said did a beautiful job!).
Well done girls, it must have been very rewarding to see all that hard work you put in practicing both at school and at your gym club each week. Jaimee got 3 straight "Excellents" for her floor, beam and vault and Kate got 2 Excellents and a "Very Good"!

We finished off our busy day with a working bee when. Gramp Muz and Granny came over to help us with our home. Gramp Muz cleared the gutters for us, there was about 10 years of gunk in there, and there is an actual garden growing in the carport guttering - no wonder it was overflowing! Granny filed, sanded and puttied the top skirting boards for us ready for painting. It was a real untidy mess so was hard work, leaving her coated in a layer of dust. She mentioned needing a mask, so Jaimee helpfully went and fetched her a lovely dress up eye mask, giving Granny a good giggle. The kids were a bit tired and grumpy after their big day, but after a yummy dinner and a hot shower, they were happy to snuggle up with Grampa Muz for some stories - he always lets them choose one each, so they get 3 stories! A lovely end to a busy day :)
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