7am. Jaimee joins Luke. After a few minutes, she whispers "breakfast?" to daddy. Daddy gets up with his two darlings right behind him.
8am. I'm still not moving. The kids have eaten and are watching Ice Age...again. Luke insists. I slowly wake up and catch up on facebook. Interesting article on menstrual cups shared by a friend- I have never heard of them. Do some research on the internet as am rather intrigued in a disgusted kind of way. Huh, rather awesome reviews. Consider buying one.....
8.30am Hmmm I had better get up. Marty is off for a bike ride very soon and I will have the kiddies to sort out.
9am I hit the shower as Marty leaves. Bonus for me - Luke is dressed, so the nappy has been done. Fist pump to myself.
1pm Luke heads to bed, Marty snoozes on the couch and the girls hide in their room creating farm cities...and I put through the online grocery order for Monday's delivery while I sip a coffee. Love online grocery orders! It doesn't take long before the girls quiet constructive play turns into a silly giggly girl game, so I suggest they take their giggles out to the playroom. Ah...5 minutes peace.
2pm The girls and I head out for a spot of birthday party planning shopping. Jaimee is having a fairy tea party this year, so we stocked up on a cheap teapot (love second hand shops!), a plastic 'lace' tablecloth and a pretty cardboard cupcake stand. We have 4 pretty teacups, must ask around the family to borrow another 4 for the guests. Managed to find fairy dust and wands for all, but put my foot down at the price of buying fairy wings too. Some crafty activities to keep everyone happy didn't cost much. ..and the find of the day - a peter pan style hat for Luke! With some cheap green fabric sewn into a tunic and some old navy tights of the girls we have us a very cute pixie.
5pm Finally arrive home. That took far too long and now the evening is going to be nuts. Yep, I was right...Chaos time! I rush around putting items away, getting the washing in and feeding the rabbits (meant to be the girls job, but once again time slips away) as Marty supervises the big toy clean up.
5.30pm Dinner is hurridly whipped up (beef cantollini tonight with jelly for dessert) as Marty finishes the shower duties. Shower time in our place is always noisy. Kids yelling at each other, other kids being silly, Marty yelling to hurry it up, clothes everywhere....its not a quiet venture.
6.15pm Ahh. Dinner time. Everything pauses and we enjoy this half hour together. "Bible?" asks Luke as we finish up. Good thinking son. We read our nightly devotional. Jaimee keeps putting her hand up to share her thoughts. This time it was about the importance of quoting scripture when sharing the Gospel. "What's quote?" asks Kate.
Teeth get brushed and stories get read. "Bathwater's hot, seawater's cold. Ginger's kittens are very young, Buster's getting old" - Marty and I can quote this Shirley Hughes book from beginning to end, Luke has it every night.
7.15pm. Lights out for the girls and peace reigns. Browsing our new smart TV, I discover that TVNZ on Demand doesn't work on the basic web browser it came with. Neither does movie4k. Neither does Marty's new football website. We are a bit disappointed. No flash player? In 2013? Stupid! But, as I remind Marty, it does play YouTube clips and connect to our ipods and computers...and that's pretty cool.
8.15pm. And here I am, as the time rolls into 8.15pm. Marty is doing the dishes as he watches football shows on his computer (he moved it into prime dish washing viewing position. I sit here and type away, contemplating whether to watch Dr Quinn and work on my THIRD crochet scarf (I'm getting the hang of this), or whether to play that game I kept trying to play today. Or whether I should finish the cross stitch and watch the final of The Voice with Marty...
goodnight. Thanks for spending the day with us!