Part of this is an attempt to distract myself from the rather (squeel!) exciting news that I am going travelling around the world soon. Just me, some shopping money, and no children to feed and dress. Me, my parents, my brother who I haven't seen in ELEVEN years now, and my younger siblings who I just don't spend nearly enough time with. Little bit excited!!!!
So what has been keeping me so busy in my precious child-free time (the blessed 7pm-11pm slot) that I have barely had time to blog lately?
1. My cross stitch.
2. Ipod Apps.
Oh dear, I know. This one is just sad. I got mildly addicted to the game Hay Day over the last few months. Really need to stop collecting milk and making jam to fulfill my orders on the farm game. And candy crush saga just takes far too much of my time too. I limit myself to just one 'set of lives' per day, but really. Far too rewarding a feeling to be matching candy. What a silly game. And let's not get started on scrabble, or the kids virtual pet that I must feed and groom daily!
3. Our Lounge.
I am surrounded by dust and inhaling the smell of fresh paint on the roof. The fireplace is gone, we have carpet quotes coming in and the wallpaper goes up on Saturday. It's all a bit exciting! To be fair, my mum and our friend Shane have helped with a lot of this work...But it sure has kept Marty and I rather busy on top of our usual stuff too!
4. Church stuff.
I am preaching in church in August, and its all a little bit terrifying. I am not used to speaking to adults, and so have been writing out what I want to say word for word and reading it back over and over. I don't want to be waffling or incorrect or boring. Don't know how pastors do this every week, its taking me months just to prep for a one off! Our annual light Party that I lead up is also not that far away, considering I am away for 3 weeks the month before the big event. I wouldn't list these things in my 'free time' current projects list, except for the fact that they are always sitting in the back of my mind, no matter what I do, I am thinking about some big upcoming event or responsibility. It's exhausting!
I am such a (not so) closet geek. I love casual gaming, and "Big Fish Games" has me totally wrapped around their big website finger. I meet their typical market being a woman in my 30s and I love their mystery adventure games. Find the key, solve the puzzle and unlock that door to find out what to do next. Such fun!!! My girls are just as hooked as me, we play some of the same games now. Time waster...yes. But Such a fun one! It's like being part of a crime drama.
6. Photo Albums
I can get some odd looks when I mention that I still do photo albums for all my kids (thats 4 albums to keep up to date including our 'parents' album). A few times a year I print 4 copies of all our fav photos, or 2 copies of the ones of the girls, or 3 copies of the ones of the get the picture. That is a lot of photos to sort out, cut out, and then paste into each album in creative ways. I am almost up to date, all the kids ones are done up till May and our photos are ready to go in. And then I need to print out all the photos that I took while I was putting the other ones in the's never ending.
...Actually, while we are at never ending projects, lets pop "Blogging Journal" into this part as number 6 1/2!
6. Crochet?!
7. TV.
I can't deny that this is taking up some of my time too, although to be fair, I watch a lot less then I used to (Kind of have to be picky with all these other projects to do in my "SPARE" time!!). I watch Dr Quinn every day now, it is a classic and I find it such fun to revisit this show that I last watched at about 12 years old! After gymnastics class, I love sitting down and watching Grey's Anatomy and Marty and I have a good old belly laugh over The Big Bang Theory and 2 Broke Girls.
8. My Books.
I love to read, and will pick my book up at bedtime even if It is far too late to be reading. Often I just get a few pages in before my eyes start closing if its late! I am determined to get through some of the ones on my "to read" list in my bookcase, so I am avoiding the temptation of the library and sticking with what I own. I am halfway through "Gone with the Wind" at the moment, and loving it. The girls are just discovering chapter books they enjoy too, which is a real delight to me as they learn that joyous feeling of picking up a book by a favourite author and snuggling up for a good read.
...I could also mention the card making, but really it is a little on hold at the moment due to so much else filling my precious little 'free time'. 7pm till 11pm is just not long enough to make any headway. Did I mention that I am soon to be without children or obligations on my time for TWO AND A HALF WEEKS?! Did I mention that I am rather excited about this?! I know I will miss my family a lot once that novelty day wears off, so now you may understand why I will be packing my crochet hook, my book, my cross stitch, my computer......I will be keeping me busy in that very weird 8am bracket when I am NOT going to be getting kids ready for school.
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