Into our room first thing! I assured her we would get the tree up - but church comes first!
After lunch (never seen them so "not hungry mum") we got to it. The Christmas music was loosed onto the iPod for the season, and the girls hummed and mumbled along, pretendimg they knew "snoops Christmas" and cliff Richard hits...but asking in a confused way why lots of the songs talked about war. I had to explain they were written at war times and the people were singing for peace. Luke woke from his nap to find a half up tree in our lounge and exclaimed "WOW!" With a big gasp.
Tree decorating always is meant to be this idealist family time, with us all beaming at each other as we skip around the tree with tinsil and baubles, singing together in blissful happiness.
Well - that's how it went in my head.
Reality is, Marty would rather be doing something else, I would rather do it alone, and the kids just want to skip to their favourite decorations (forget the branch placement, lights and tinsel). And I spend half the time saying "how about we spread them out eh?" Or "oops I think that's round the back, let's just move that one to here" or " just WAIT. No..don't dance over the glass balls...oh' sit DOWN".
I'm sure it's similar in your house. But don't tell me if it isn't please lol.
Finally it is done. Marty puts our angel on high, and We turn the lights on for the grand reveal. To find half of them don't work anymore.
Taking lights OFF a decorated tree is not easy. A quick trip to the warehouse should have meant I got $6 lights replaced. But nope, I am me, so I also came home with icicle lights (I always wanted them though babe) and scorched almonds (they were on sale dear)!
Take 2 with the lights was much more successful, and the three kids promptly laid down on the floor in a row to stare up at the beauty.'s all worth it to sit around a fairy lit tree.

Jaimee asked "why we even have a tree - what's that got to do with Christmas mum?! And shouldn't we have crosses on it for Jesus?"
Yep, that's my girl, always challenging us and thinking things through! I did point out the angel on high, the peace doves, the shepherd (candy) stripped cane, the angels and stars....
That's Christmas set up for another year. We love it - it's the most wonderful time of the year!!!
LOVE the icicle lights!