The salon owner in Cactus, Texas had been found shot in his office. As the sherif of this honkey tonk town, I had closed the bar and all suspects were being interrogated. Was it Marty - country local karaoke champion or could it be Jude/mum - the local trailer park owner. We all had motive of course - Murray the angry carnival worker was his neglected son, and Anne Marie the barmaid was being paid for more then just serving drinks. And lets not forget TV reverend Jeremy and his shady double life wife Vicki lee! This was a night of honky tonk country music, a full bar...and a lot of laughs!!! I won't tell you who did it in case you borrow this little gem from us - but let's make it clear this is not a game for those who can't handle a little R16 humor....turned out the sherif (that's me) had quite a thing for dungeons and handcuffs!!!!

With a BBQ tea to start the night off and a lounge (love that we have 2 lounges!) full of kids watching movies, this was a great evening by all. None of the children (not even Luke) were asleep at midnight but that's all part of entertaining with a houseful of kids. And there was no sleep in either - we left home bright and early the next morning for 4 days in masterton.

My grandma (that's GumGum to us), aunty, uncle and cousins were all celebrating Christmas together on New Year's Day, and because I still hadn't met some of my cousins kids or seen my cousins for some years, we decided to tag along and join in the festivities! I grew up spending long school holidays with my cousins, listening to westlife, hitting the beach or walking into town via the holiday park - so it was pretty cool to watch all our kids enjoy a second generation of cousin fun. They were great together, and us big people were able to play a fun game of doodle dice as they played. Lunch turned into dinner as everyone was relaxed and enjoying themselves - the sign of a good day for sure.

The next day (the 2nd) was the traditional masterton family (horse) races day. Marty loves going to this day with my aunty and uncle and their crew, and this year was no exception. The girls loved playful uncle john, and we had a great day out with the kids being amazingly good after so many late nights! The kids made new friends with the other kids there, and were so so excited to go on the Ferris wheel. At one stage Luke threw his ball into the race track just as the horses were about to run and Marty had to jump the fence to retrieve it! We all had a dollar on a horse for each race, but only won back half the money we spent...ah well! Luke was so tired after all the fun he promptly fell asleep on the way home at 6:30 and didn't wake until the next morning.

After a lot more masterton fun visiting my Godparents whom I haven't seen in years, hanging out with GumGum at her place, spending time with the cousins at the park, visiting the pools and the big draw card for Marty - the weekly Friday night cards group...we headed home today (via a stop at Pahiatua playground) with tired kids in tow. Jaimee said as we packed up the car "I can't wait to get home - it's so comfortable". It sure is nice to spent time away....and just as nice to get home, even if home does mean grocery shopping, loads of washing and a massive vege garden weed!!! Hmmm...actually, I think I prefer aunty dis cooking away to grumpy kids here! ;)
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