Another amazing Art Deco weekend for our family. Since Jaimee was born, we have dressed up every year and enjoyed the festivities. It's become quite a family tradition to have our photo taken by a vintage car, I think I might shed a tear the year one of the kids decide they don't want to do this anymore. But for now, I still manage to get everyone dressed up!
On Friday night we did an Art Deco first though - we joined Marty's family for a picnic tea in Napier and watched the planes fly over and do an awesome show. It was fun to get our evening gear on, we haven't really done evening events much as it requires babysitters or taking the kids. Mum said I look rather Spanish in this outfit, what do ya rekon?! Jaimee wasn't with us, she had her very first ever sleepover at her friends house. This night out was a good distraction for poor Kate, who hates sleeping without her sister, and for poor me, who was letting her little girl go away for the first time overnight without family!

The kids were excited to be with their cousins as always!

Our picnic tea was rather noisy - the old army helicopter decided our picnic spot was the perfect place to hover right over- for about 10minutes!!!

Luke loved the plane show as they went "up, up, up....down, down down!"
On Saturday we were very happy to stay home - it was the hottest day of the year at 35 degrees. The kids swam...and I baked up at storm in the heat for the Gatsby picnic the next day. Yuk!
It was fun to go to church in the morning all dressed up, there were a number of people dressed up for the occasion. I think having such a special annual unique event in the place we live is so fun, people come from all over for this weekend and we get to LIVE here. That's why I embrace it! This year I felt properly dressed for the first time, not just hodge podge from the closet. I had brought the dress and gloves off trade me for a bargain last year for the occasion, and picked up the hat the week before to complete the outfit. My friend Abbie had given me the vintage parasol, it was broken but a bit of kiwi ingenuity made my outfit a real kiwi deco outfit (an Allen key poked in the side to hold it up!)!
The breeze in Napier made the temperature beautiful for the picnic, hot but we are blessed to join in with mums friends who faithfully come down and set up a nice spot under the trees at 7:30am each year! We just rock up in the afternoon and get to enjoy it. Of course, I pay them well - they love my homemade bread, slices, quiche and muffins I add to the luncheon spread! We agree it's deal worth keeping, and always say cheerfully as we depart "see you next year!"

Caption this photo!? I wonder what Marty is showing Kate? The girls played cards before lunch, and after lunch we strolled the busy area, laughing at the rock n roll dancers in the fountain and the man dressed as a gorilla being chased by authentically dressed safari hunters. We gasped at the tables lavishly set up with gramma phones (I told Kate they were olden day iPods!!!!), silver ware and crystal.
Thanks Napier, another awesome picnic day outing. We will be there next year for sure!