You know you are not a DIY normal kiwi when you get up on the day you have "paint windows" in your diary, stumble out of bed..and have a shower, wash hair and glam up for a Saturday. Oh right. By about 10am I was covered in sanding dust and primer. In my old clothes of course by now!
Yeah, this is a job I have been putting off since we moved in. We just chose to ignore the cracking peeling paint and the widening gaps of wood showing through. But I'm a big girl now, and this job really couldn't be left any longer. You would think growing up watching my parents paint endless window frames would have rubbed off on me. But it's really not my fortay. Give me dirty nappies over sanding and puttying windows that look like they haven't been touched for about 40 years any day.
I won't put a photo on, because I didn't take a before shot..and the after would look a shocker to anyone who hadn't seen the before. Or if you didn't know that this was a total DIY job - a clueless kiwi girl who has never done this before and just jumped in and gave it a go. Seriously, some of those windows were awful, no amount of sanding was going to fix those cracks. One lovely friend suggested "why not just make new ones?" I laughed for several minutes at that one. Her husband can bung together a window in an afternoon....She hasn't met my husband.
Oh well, I think they look ok. From a distance. Lol. I am sure I will improve - I have only done the windows of our detached rooms...still got the entire house to go yet. (Oh, and by "I", I do mean "we" - Marty did help!!!!)
Anyho, to add to the chaos it was one of the hottest days we have had this summer. And as always when I am busy, I skipped lunch. And the window (it opens vertically) dropping on the back of my head didn't help. And jaimee had a whopper tantrum (never remind a 7 year old she has to do the dusting chore and then catch her lying when she said she did it- not pretty). By 3pm I was parched, dizzy, hungry, sweaty, dusty and hot. And beginning to feel much more authentic DIY kiwi-ish.

Now, I'm off to lie on the couch and watch tv for a bit. Finished my book this morning while Marty took the kids to swimming lessons (I know, my day was very satisfying!!) so might start the sequal too. Goodnight!
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