Recently I have been reading a book called "organic outreach for families". It talks a lot about creating a home that people are drawn to, a place which is "come as you are and hang out with us as we are". I like that. I want our home to be a place where friends and family know they are welcome, that they can come and be loved and just chill with us, as part of our family. A place where Jesus' light well and truly shines from and draws those in the dark into.
So these school holidays I made a real effort to make a step in this direction. As the kids grow, I hope their friends know they are always welcome. As we open our doors more, I hope OUR friends know they can come and put the jug on anytime. I hope our extended family feel loved and part of our home.
In saying this, We sure were kept busy these holidays!
Sat - went to tinkerbell movie with Paige and Vicki-lee. Had granma over for dinner
Sun - went to Palmie for nephew Alijahs birthday. Was a full car with nana an granma joining us!
Monday -
We had Kate's friend Ariel over for the day. Somehow I missed a photo opp!! The girls were fantastic :)
Tuesday -
Jaimees turn! Twins Casey and Jorgia come to play today. Again, they are off all day looming and being generally awesome :) Granma comes for tea again too
Wednesday - Marty is off work for a week from today and we have a nice quiet day, very rare in our hose and a big treat.
Thursday -gramps comes to watch the football and brings us McDonald's for breakfast. Yum yum! Then after a day at work for me, we spend the afternoon shifting furniture and then go to Granmas for a sleepover! New carpet is laid tomorrow - YAY!
Friday - new carpet! After work it's all about moving back into our bedrooms. See martys earlier blog for the recap ;)
Saturday - whew, one week in! It's Granmas birthday so we get her over for lunch and spend the afternoon sorting out her computer for her. Then it's a date night for us as we head out for dinner to celebrate friend Abbie's birthday. Brave Grampa Muz soldiers on, babysitting even with a cold for us!
Sunday - after a great church service, we join our extended family for a special birthday lunch. It goes on all afternoon as all good family lunches do!
Monday - our house has World Cup fever! Even I get up at 7am to watch (mostly cause we have 6 people coming over to watch too!) Gramps and our church friends, the Hutchison family join us, bringing more McDonald's! The girls are chuffed to have their friends over so early :)
We carry the fun on into the day, with the kids cousins coming over for a play date, and my friend (and her kids) coming for a coffee date! They had so much fun playing card games and headbanz, they really are great mates. Love them :)
Tuesday - after a morning looming with my girls, we haven't told jaimee that her bestest ever buddy is coming for the day, so when Jordis (who moved to Napier meaning it's a holidays friendship now) shows up, she is delighted!! The girls immediately pick up right where they left off, having a blast looming and playing. We visit the aquarium, have Icecream at McDs and even do a spot of shopping for colouring posters :) great day!
When we get home, it's not over yet - Granma and nana are coming for dinner. It's macaroni cheese, but that's ok cause nana loves mac cheese she tells me. After dinner we Skype my nephew and hang out with him on his second birthday and nana teaches the girls how to make origami butterflies. Oh, and some knitting lessons too!
Wednesday - Luke gets a treat at daycare with a visit from a firetruck ("it shoots that water!!") while us girls have a special girly day now daddy returns to work. We do some window shopping, have a fluffy and cake and then do some looming together.
Then the girls both head out for sleepovers - Kate is off to Ariels for her first ever one (she was awake until 11pm apparently!) and jaimee joins her long time buddy Ella for a great time looming and movie watching. Meanwhile, we have Gramps and Colleen over for a roast chicken dinner and catch up- they bring yummy pudding that Luke's eyes popped at!
Thursday - I catch up with all the ladies at playgroup, then pick up my 3 tired children.
Wait why is Luke tired? Hmmm...All was revealed when he woke up spotty Friday morning. That's the last of mine through with the chicken pox!! Thankfully I was able to work in the morning while he kids went to granma, then she is coming for tea soon too. I'm hoping mum is now well enough for a visit Saturday, the girls and I miss her while she hasn't been well...and then We all have a special dinner with friends Saturday night too planned, but Luke and daddy might have to sit this one out.
Church Sunday (thanks gramps for babysitting!) and messy church Sunday night for us girls (we are taking Ariel this time too) ...whew! It will be back to school for a break.
But it's a small step in the direction I want our home to take. A step to including others, inviting people in and sharing Jesus' love. Yep - come on over, I will just finish hanging the washing up so pop the jug on and put your feet up...