We have been expecting this one to hit our house for about the last 4 years now. Just months ago I was warning my boss "you do realise that when my kids get chicken pox I could be housebound for weeks". None of them had had it, despite years at daycare...I remember freaking out Jaimee would get it in her spica cast when it hit daycare around that time! And then I was starting to consider getting Jaimee immunised as she still hadn't had it and I was aware that the older she was, the worse she would get it.
Kates back |
Well it finally hit us, smack in the middle of our worst winter of sickness we have ever had. Kate's two best mates who sit with her at her table both and her all came down with it all in a row. I was doing her hair up for church that morning when I noticed the red spots on her neck. A quick peek down her back confirmed my suspicions. Kate was delighted...this was so exciting! She had read books about chicken pox, and seen it on tv shows. And Kate being Kate took it all in her stride. She had them on her scalp and a crop on her forehead, and a fair scattering on her torso, but she was well and happy and not too itchy after the first day or so. None of hers blistered at all, they just disappeared as they had come.
We were thankful of this, because tragedy struck on the Wednesday when Grandad passed away, and we were blessed that Kate was well enough to be with the family.

And then the waiting began again....who would get it next... Jaimee or Luke? Well, we were clear for a whole week between cases, and we were just starting to think Jaimee must be immune, or Luke too young....when Jaimee woke up Monday morning with massive blisters on her face. For the first couple of hours she was excited to have her turn, after all, it didn't seem so bad for Kate and now she gets a 3 week school holiday! But that didn't last long. I can't get over how Totally different chicken pox looked for Jaimee. She came down with a high temp, laid on the couch totally drained of all energy and complained they hurt so bad. Within 24 hours she had huge bulging blisters all over her body, in her mouth and in her ears and eyelids. The poor girl got it bad. I cant even get her interested in loom bands, lego or play dough, let alone school work. All she wants to do is lie on the couch in misery and stare at the tv.
...Jaimee'sBack! |
white child..spots everywhere!!! |
She asked me to write it about it on the blog so she could remember it later, and tell her own kids too- but right now she can't wait to be rid of this chicken pox thing, which she says is "so so annoying". And Luke? Well, Luke has been off too all week with a chest and throat infection, but no sign of spots in his wee body....yet. No doubt his turn is yet to come- I wonder how chicken pox will hit him?
I SO commiserate with Jaimee - I had it at 19 and got it real bad - the Doctor said it was the best case he had seen in 10 years! Like jaimee the blisters were from my scalp to the soles of my feet and everywhere inbetween. I was sick, feverish and even fainted once. Bedridden for a good week and the itching was INCREDIBLE. I was Miss Calomine Lotion. And all this 3 weeks before my wedding! So sympathies to my wee Jaimee. Let me know if she wants to blob at our house for a change - we have a movie on the hard drive which she possibly hasn't seen before - The Swan Princess?