....a keepsake of special moments our family treasure as we journey together
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Family bike ride
A beautiful day, finally a chance for a family bike ride! Just the thing to do before I head away for a week. Great fun :)
Friday, 29 August 2014
This and that
Just a few random moments to chuck in the memory tank.....
- Luke has to have "3-5-6" books read to him every night. This usually means about 10 books. He can count on his fingers to 5, and recognise numbers to 5 too. But he always asks for "3,5,6" when he wants lots (another example he uses this for is breakfast cereals). I wonder where 4 went? Guess it's a bit like how all his ragged old cuddles are called "new-white/blue-cuddly" even after years.
- Luke looks so cute in his dino onsie. He gave strict and clear instructions to daddy with hand movements and very Ernest expression: "first - we put the green (dino) one on. Then - the blue one goes on the top"
- Jaimee MC'ed her school assembly today. She had to use a microphone, introduce herself in Maori and call up each speaker/item. It was pretty major. I asked if she got nervous. "Nope, it was easy" she proudly replied. Taking after her daddy who is a great MC.
- We all pray every day together on the way to school. The other day I was praying for opportunities to let Gods love and Kindness shine from them that day. That night, I asked the girls what Opportunities God had given them. jaimee recalled that she had stood up to her peers and made sure all the kids were allowed to join the game they played. She clearly knew God had helped her be strong and courageous. Love God moments. Must remember.
- Kate burst into tears tonight as we talked after swimming. It had been a tough lesson where she had really been challenged to grow. This again led to some great discussion about persevering and practice... but mostly, it was just special to be a comfort when she was feeling tested and worn out. My Kate is naturally so happy-go-lucky and cheerful, i felt proud that she let herself be honest with me.
- speaking of Kate, she declared it sisters day the other morning. She cleaned up her sisters bowl from the table after breakfast, and didn't stop there. She rinsed the bowls, stacked the dishwasher, wiped the table and put away all the stuff on the bench. What a helper! Not just sisters day, but a day for mummy too :)
- I'm preparing to go to Auckland for a week on Sunday. I'm off to go to shook at Carey Baptist College for a whole week block course (9:30-5:30!). I'm so excited, but also nervous about all the readings and 3 massive assignments due the next month...right on the Light Party! Marty is confident about his week with the kids, he said they have a routine going on, not to worry. What a man.
- and here's the girls being girly for mufti day in their pretty dresses and hair extensions! The next week it was tiaras. Long may it be tiaras and dresses xxx
...So that's us for now all caught up with some special things tucked away xxx
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Jaimee turns 8
The tea party was a grand success, all 10 children squeezed around the table with their own real teacup and saucer. Fizzy was poured from teacups and the milk/sugar bowls were ladden with lollies. There were 2 courses laid in front of them - cherrios, sausage rolls and chips for the main, followed by chocolate slice (at the birthday girls request), the now decorated cupcakes, and of course - the cake!
I was thankful for a sunny day, our trampoline got a good workout between activities, and I was overwhelmed with the generous love poured out in gifts to our wee princess.
Jaimee, you are growing up so beautifully. I am so proud of you, and the way you show devoted friendship and kindness to your friends. I love how you think carefully about everything, and feel everything so deeply. Like I pray over you every n ight, May God bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you, and may you always know how much He, and We, love you.
Friday, 15 August 2014
Girls theatre night
Tonight us Trowbridge girls joined the Dempsey girls for a night at the theatre. Perhaps not the wisest of nights to be tucking the girls up at 11pm with jaimees birthday party tomorrow- but that's the way the cookie crumbled, and There is something magical about Peter Pan that I didn't want to miss.
And to be honest, the show was great (hook was incredible, pan could really sing and tinkerbell was silently brilliant)...but I spent half my night watching my own two fairies, who were so excited to be at their first big stage production (since angelina ballerina a few years ago!). About 3 songs in, jaimee turned to me and loudly whispered "this is a musical, I can tell". Kate was delighted to spot our church friends on stage and kept an eye out for them closely in each scene.
Kate sat in her seat with legs neatly crossed at the ankle, hands folded in her lap, and big eyes taking it all in. Jaimee sat on the edge of her seat, mouth slightly open in wonder. They gasped as tinkerbell flew through the sky and worried as hook poisened pans medicine. We all stood up and clapped and yelled "we do believe!" When tinkerbell was dying. Some stories just don't age. What a great girls night, may those memories be treasured for years to come.
Monday, 11 August 2014
The Redwoods
Yep, I have been up and down Te Mata peak several times, but had not yet done the pretty walk through the bush to the Beautiful Redwood grove until today. Perhaps because over the last 9 years I have been pregnant or with a toddler, perhaps cause I'm just not that outdoorsy. I asked Marty why hadn't he taken me there yet and he pondered that with a "hmmm, yes I've taken you to all my other girlfriend spots!" Ok, maybe they weren't his exact words, but he did recall some spotlight games at youth group that I would not have approved of!
Anyway, the whole school went up today and I tagged along as a parent help. I haven't been teaching these last few weeks due to holidays, school swimming and teacher only days so it was nice to reconnect with all the kids and be "Mrs Trowbridge" again.
We bussed the juniors up the narrow and steep road to the peak...brave driver, not so brave me who was praying the whole time. The top of the peak was freezing but the day was clear and the view was, as always, amazing.
After lunch it was off for our bush walk to the Redwoods, a first for all us girls.
What a beautiful spot!! The walk was so pretty, with lots of interesting changes to the scenary to keep our attention. The kids loved figuring out why it was called "the redwoods" and listening for the Tui.
I am definitely bringing the family back and I'm sure we can create some better memories for Marty here!
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