I'm Finally the big day was here. Are we nuts? Getting up at 5am to drive the 6-7 hour trip to auckland?! On Christmas Eve?! Yep. Nuts. But nothing new for us then Eh. We were on the road before 6am and eating breakfast at McDonald's in taupo by 7:30am. Not bad. It was a good trip up the island, surprising the kids with a stop at Hamilton Zoo and with hardly any traffic at all. Kate was so excited to be at the zoo, declaring it the best surprise ever and racing around being the "queen of the animals", reading us facts as we went. "Mum, be very quiet here - the predator of the rhinos is humans". 

We also listened to the audio book "Matilda" on the way up, proving to be a great distraction on the road. Also popular was our new card pack of "would you rather" questions I had been savig for this trip. An example is "Would you rather have a head that's half the size or twice the size of your body?" You must pick!
We were delighted to arrive at our farm home for the next two weeks: just minutes from the beach and 40 minutes from west auckland, we had the best of both worlds. Fresh eggs from the chickens, listening to the baby chicks peep noisily, feeding the pig and counting the 9 sheep became part of our daily routine!
The next morning was Christmas Day, and the kids were good to stay in bed till hair before 7am! They had fun ripping into the stockings before feeding the animals and heading out to poppa and Omas house for the day.
It was straight to the presents, with a ridiculous amount to open, and some very very happy children.
Poppa made a pretty good santa!
And a very pleasant and relaxed day followed. A big pork roast lunch, playing with new presents (uncle josh was the cup stacker, aunty dani was the jewellery creator and aunty steph made some massive fans by spending most of her day building lego, drawing pictures and playing board games with her nieces!!)
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