We woke up to one of those scorching summer Hawkes Bay days that we are famous for (Ahhh I love the Bay). After a morning making baby food while the kids played happily in the paddling pool, we decided to check out Pandora's Pond - apparently quite a good spot to take kids for a swim, and we had never been there yet.
So we packed up the kids and the car and off we went (via a quick stop at Mitre 10 for some new fans - we got caught out last February when the stores were sold out nationwide in the heatwave we had, not missing out this year)! I knew it was going to be awesome when we pulled into the parking lot and saw a playground - water PLUS a playground? Got to be good.
Good indeed! Marty and I both knew we would be back when the kids took off and we were able to sit down and enjoy the sunshine. The water was warm and safe - Jaimee even practiced her swimming lesson skills, putting her head under and kicking furiously. It probably would have gone better if she hadn't belly flopped in, but its a start!
Even Luke was happy in the water today, He sat on the stones happily sifting the stones through his fingers, gently growling at me when I brushed them out of his hand on route to his mouth. The water lapped at his legs, but he was fine with that today, it was warm and he was happy.
Marty made it as far as his thighs before turning around -typical for him, he is not a fan of the water, especially cold water! I just enjoyed soaking some sun up, I had plenty of sunscreen on and for a treat it wasn't unbearably hot - just pleasantly hot. Once they had been in the water, the girls were happy to sit down and have a snack and play with the stones.
Jaimee found a friend in this little guy, he was there with his entire whanau and had the most awesome 'bro' accent. He was lying on the hot stones after a swim with his Aunty, shivering away as his body desperately tried to absorb the heat from the stones. Jaimee dropped her towel down next to him (my girls are too soft to lie directly on the hot stones) and simply said "I'm Jaimee." A long discussion followed as they worked out how old they each were and if/where they went to school. I giggled as the wee boy said "HO!"in total 'bro' style when Jaimee told her she was 5.
Both their sisters soon joined them, and more age related discussion continued...this is obviously very important in working out social status for preschoolers. I think Jaimee won top dog this time. Kate dropped in her contribution to the chat by saying "I'm Kate" 3 times to no-one in particular. It was so sweet listening in to my girls making mates with other kids on the beach.
....The trip was a success - we are going back for a picnic tea with OUR whanau this Saturday. I love discovering free local spots to take the kids.
We took the kids the other weekend, it's pretty cool but you do have to watch as the water does drop off quite suddenly!!!! Fun tho:)
ReplyDeleteyep our kids were watched carefully by us both... and luckily are very obedient - we told them they were not allowed past the writing on their wetsuits! They prefer to stay waist deep anyway :) We knew it gets deep, popular kayaking spot!