Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Now and Then

 9 years ago I married the most wonderful man.....

 ...and look at us now!  

Marty, I love how you write me love letters, you hang out with me nearly every weekend and evening, and I love the way you still check me out more than 10 years after meeting me.
I love the way you take care of our family finances, you support me working part time and  how you wake me up with breakfast every morning.

I love that you do the dishes - even when you cooked dinner, you have bathed the kids since the day they were born and you are in charge of the bedtime routine every night.
I love the way you play board games with our children, get up to them in the night and change the nappies without a thought. 

You are sensitive, you are caring, you are loving and you are my rock.  I couldn't imagine a life without you in it Marty.  You make me feel beautiful and special.  You are an amazing father and husband.
 I miss you when you are not with me, and when we are together everything is ok. I want to do everything with you by my side, because if you are not there than it just feels wrong. I have adored the last 9 years of married life...and this is only the beginning babe! There is so much more to come, and I can't wait.  


Happy Wedding Anniversary Marty....from your Princess

(thanks Anna for the picture concept, and Mum for taking the photos)


  1. love it. You guys haven't aged a bit! p.s Where are the pets? couldn't you get the rabbits to cooperate? :)

  2. haha - oops forgot about them - the fish would have been interesting too?! Anyway....We did these at mums place before dinner tonight ;)

  3. Aww, that was so sweet, it made me tear up! Love the photos 9 years on.

    Happy anniversary for tomorrow :)

  4. awhhhh, tears rolling down my face, beautiful love, just lovely XXXX rhondda

  5. Oh my goodness, you have the perfect guy Nikki! Does he have a brother? :)
