At least we got lots of cuddles out of Luke on Saturday. And his temp did drop overnight. Not so cool was his decision that milk was dumb, and that sleeping was also dumb. Baby was up all day. And all night. And my poor breastfeeding self had to suffer his rejection.
And after all this hard mothering did I get rewarded? By a healthy baby on the mend and grateful? Nope - the rash is still ever present. the baby still won't feed hardly at all....and now I AM SICK. Grrr.
Thanks Luke.
Woke up on Sunday morning feeling sore all over,and with a splitting headache....a bit like I had spent all of Saturday gardening and bent over...except that would have been a bonus, because the gardens still need weeding desperately. I didn't touch them, but feel so sore. Not fair.
I managed to get through church (thank you God for taking over!), bouncing around singing songs and playing games with the kids. Still had to get through the workshop luncheon I had organised after church though. Just as it started, I got completely dizzy and light headed...whoa...hang in there Nikki! A few big glasses of water, and I made it home after the event and collapsed on the bed. And slept for an hour.
And didn't feel any better at the end of my nap. Just had a sore throat to add to my list of ailments. I wonder if this is why Luke won't feed? Poor thing.
We were all meant to go out that evening, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave the house. At least Marty was able to take the girls out to homegroup while we "rested" (meaning while I fed and bathed Luke then collapsed on the couch hot and cold with family sitcoms on).
Lets hope Luke and mummy feel better tomorrow....I really do need to weed those gardens....
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