These are just a few of his favourite things to do at the moment that demonstrate his utter adorable-ness:
2. When he spots us watching him when he is on his way to a room he knows he shouldn't be aiming for, he giggles and crawls away at top speed with his little head down in speedy determination and cheekiness!
3. He loves to play "row, row, your boat" and "Round and round the garden" - he knows these songs so well now, that he will start rocking his body furiously to prompt you to keep singing..and with the garden song, as soon as you grab his little palm, he gets uncontrollable giggles.
5. The way he sings just makes my day. If I start singing to him he starts dancing (swaying his head) and singing (ahhhhh) this video, I am sure it will make you smile just as much as it makes me melt:
6. I love the way he grins at me, and then buries his head in me, before peeking back up at me with another grin. What a cuddly mummy's boy he is, and I am loving every snuggle.
8. The way that he sucks his thumb and puts his head on my shoulder and just relaxes. I inhale his baby smell, its the yummiest thing ever.
9. I love how he adores his sisters and they adore him. Luke completes our family, he is the perfect addition and I can't imagine life without him in it.
10. Just look at him. Who wouldn't fall in love when living with this face every day, the cutest thing ever! I just can't believe he is one next month...this year has gone WAY too fast. Pause just another day for me Luke!
He sure is very cute Nikki. Reminds me of Brad when he was little!