Hi, My name is Nikki, and I am an addict.
I am a closet computer game geek.

The Sims, Zoo Tycoon and Rollercoaster Tycoon are my favourites - anything where I can build a lovely little world where everything is in the right place. I like placing the camels next to the elephants and the polar bears next to the penguins. I like making sure there are toilets next to the pirate ships and that i am making a profit with my food stalls. Yes. I am a computer game geek.
I was that kid who used to knock on the neighbour's door and ask if I could please tidy up the toy box and sort out the shelves. I delighted in assisting my not-so-tidy brother with sorting out his bedroom every few months. I was NEVER told to tidy my own room of course. So when I discovered games where I could arrange, plan and sort till my heart's content, I was hooked.
I am reliving my childhood in a whole new way.

So, while Marty has been on holiday from work this week, I have been having myself a wee holiday too. Now don't get me wrong - the housework has still been done, the kids are fed, we have had daily outings and I even tackled the weeding...
Marty is taking me out on a date tonight, guess where we are going? A golf simulator!! You see, he is even worse then I am, although he plays boring manager games that I just don't get. But tonight, we will combine our interest in computer games and golf and whack some golf balls at a screen. It should be fun.
Next week, I will have to pop the game back on the shelf as Marty goes back to work and I resume my parenting responsibilities, but for today....game on!!
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