It has been one of those weeks! Luke has been sounding like Darth Vader all week with a bad case of bronchitis, leaving him miserable. The steroids he is on means that sleeping has been non-existent although he is desperately tired. The result is one very grizzly little boy who just wants to be held all day long and has no idea what he wants. Thankfully, I have big sisters to help me out with the long tiring days. Jaimee gave him a bottle while I did a few quick jobs yesterday...she is such a wonderful little carer.

I had to capture this moment yesterday evening after dinner. I had suggested that the girls go and find something quiet to do, like perhaps 'sewing' their lacing animal shapes. Instead, they decided to use them to go fishing! They have never been fishing in their life, but for some reason they ran and got 'fishing hats' out of their dress up box. They put their chairs up high so that "they were safe from dangerous things" in the water.
It was one of those lovely moments...a total contradiction to the conversation in the bath the night before:
Jaimee: "Did you know that when you fart in the bath, it makes Bubbles?"
Kate: "For real? I'm gonna fart.....(pause)....I farted!"
Giggles everywhere. Charming girls!
Meanwhile, even with a cold Luke is still growing up fast. His latest milestone is his first words. It is always a big event when your child starts using verbal language to communicate with you...long may it continue. Check out this wee video showcasing his new words.
First is the very clear "Hi-ya" - often said with a phone, remote or even a shoe pressed to his ear. Next is what we THINK is "thank you" (Ng-Ng) as he passes us things....he hasn't quite mastered the concept that WE say thank you when we RECIEVE items, not as we GIVE items....but hey, its a start in the manners department!
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