Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Moments captured

Here are a few moments I have captured in my house over the last week.  I post them up for a few reasons: Firstly, to keep these memories living and etched in my mind forever.  Secondly, to brag to my family and friends how amazing, cute, loving and wonderful my kids are!  

Today I walked into the girls bedroom and found this delightful table setting, complete with a flower in a vase.  This is Jaimee at her best.  
Tonight, I just had to snap this one for the record!  Marty works on the computer (sorting finances as per usual - cleaning up after my spending AGAIN) as Kate plays hairdresser, giving him a delightful row of clips.  She asked him to please leave it in for her to finish it tomorrow...I giggled to myself as I reminded her he had to work tomorrow!  
 Here is my big girl Jaimee (the short one of course), receiving her principal's award proudly at her school prizegiving at the end of last week.  My heart swelled with pride as she got this award for "being a great example in the way she  learns and cares for others".  This is the perfect award for her and reflects her heart attitude perfectly.  

Check out Luke, who has just discovered the joys of the TV and the couch.  With their magical powers combined (and of course with a cuddly and a thumb, just like Jaimee), I can now get a meal prepared while a tired baby is entertained for a few minutes!!

And I leave you with a little bit more is my wee man, now over 13 months old and at his ultra cute best. Luke says "ta" now (aaaaahhhhhh), but that doesn't always mean he will give up whatever he pretends he wants to give you. He also likes to play "where's Luke?" - although I don't think he has figured out that I can still see him when he hides his ears behind his pudgy wee hands....

He has now added dancing to his tricks database (although here I haven't managed to capture the way he bops his entire upper body side to side). Just watch how he says "no" with his entire body, not just his head. Daddy is not so impressed with his obsession with the girls pretend nail polishes at the moment though....

We watched the movie "Courageous" last night, it was an inspiring reminder of the importance of spending time with our children, and how this impacts their life.  I will continue to be alert and aware of my children's little achievements and moments as much as I can - it might not mean much to anyone else, but it means a LOT to us.

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