What a glorious day. With the daylight savings changeover, it's like summer appeared overnight. I was so pleased it rained last night, because the plan today was to get my vege garden all planted out. The earth was perfect for turning over and gettting out the last of those winter weeds. We had Luke's wee buddy Cooper over for the morning, which Luke thought was the coolest thing ever. The wee boys chatted away to each other in typical 2 year old and 3 year old fashion. "Nikki, what's this ball?" asked Cooper. Luke joined in the conversation, pointing into the bushes in the garden. "Garden" he told Cooper. "In there" he insisted. I don't think Cooper understood that Luke was trying to explain that that is his favourite place to throw our balls and then hunt around for them!

The garden finally ready, we headed out to get the veges from our friend's plant shop, each girl with a boy firmly holding her hand. They all had lots of fun putting the punnets carefully in the trolley. With my 4 little helpers and a trolley full of plants, many people commented on how busy I would be. I laughed and explained that I only plant my garden out once a year - and then live off the produce in the winter from the freezer when they are no longer in season! $75 later, I think I may have enough - I worked out that I have at least 150 vege plants in my over populated wee garden area this year! I even had to venture into new territory in the garden bed on the other side of the yard.

Turns out Kate is a wee expert planter, she knew just how to check the depth of her hole against the size of the pot, and how to wiggle the punnet off the plant and spread the roots. She told me she learnt at school on their planting day, and I think she quite liked being the expert, showing Jaimee how to do it! They worked hard, and begged to have the sprinkler on for a play now they had worked up a sweat. Fair enough, it was a beautiful day after all. Luke was delighted to wake from his nap and be put into his togs. He was the last one to leave the water play, begging "more, more!". I am sure there will be more coming Luke, it's only going to get warmer now!
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