I'm not gonna lie though. It's been an adjustment for us all! I came home rested and relaxed, although very weary after 2 days of travelling halfway around the world. I came home to a tired out husband, and exhausted kids. With school productions meaning late nights, a girl recovering from illness, and the standard tiredness that comes with the last week of term - and the added drama of having no mummy at home for almost 3 weeks - it was never going to be an easy week. I was straight back into mum duties from the moment I got home, changing nappies and attempting to clean the unidentified sticky stuff from the table. I have been falling asleep on the couch (in front of my 3 weeks worth of tv shows to catch up on) by 8pm every night - even with the daylight saving change!
This week there have been tears, there has been yelling - and that was just Marty and me. The kids (especially Jaimee) have pushed my boundaries as far as they could as they tested the limits again. I boiled over when I told Jaimee to do something and she yelled back with her dirtiest scowl "I'm TELLING on YOU - and ran off to dad!! We both had to adjust back into our "mum" and "dad" roles - he had been doing things solo for a while, and I had been doing nothing for a while - and when we were both pretty tired...well, let's just say the neighbour's may have been wondering what the heck happened at our home. Thankfully, I was well aware that this week was going to be like this, so I didn't feel alarmed by the drama. It was bound to happen! We are all settling back down now, thankfully prayer and lots of discussion has helped a lot. Today was the first day of the school holidays, and I am thankful it was so relaxed finally. Ahhh...this is home.
And since I know everyone wants to hear what my Dear Darling has to say about this....here is Marty:
Ha I dont have much to say really. Mum comes home and ruins all the routines we had established of Dad just doing everything and the kids not having to do their jobs for 2 weeks, to suddenly have to start doing them again was a big culture shock for them. Life was obviously far to easy under Dad.
But yes the 1st few days of Mummy being home was to be frank awful. The girls especially turned into absolute monsters. Thought we going to have to call the Ghostbusters.
(Oh and I wasn't yelling - I was just using a different tone to my voice - and lets be honest I hardly talk anyway so any sound that's come me from probably does sound like yelling.
PS from Nikki - Don't let him fool you. He can yell! (giggle)
You guys are hilarious. I just love the honesty of this blog. I've just done 5 days solo and I think I was a screaming fish wife by 9:30am on day one!!
ReplyDeleteMuch respect.
haha Ghostbusters! Love it.