Jaimee has been really struggling to find some special caring "all the time" friends since her best buddy moved to napier last year. She was in tears for the zillionth time this morning on the way to school. We have talked about how lucky she is to have her sister and her cousin, who are so close in age and get along so well with her. So this afternoon it was long overdue for some cousin friendship time. I picked up my excited niece and nephew after school and we set off home, where I had promised iceblocks waited.
Should have checked the iceblock level first! Oops. So it was off to pak n save for iceblock. As they got out of the car, I counted them off "1...2...3 princesses and 1...2 princes!. Brianna added "and 1 queen! The kids had a blast racing up the ramp but I still bet them by short cutting on the stairs leaving them in hysterics as I popped out the winner!
We took our stash (a 6 pack for the 6 of us) to the park and as we ate together the kids worked out how many ways they could make the 6 of us. 5 kids and 1 adult, 4 girls and 2 boys...the maths went on for ages and I didn't even initiate it!
Luke was in hysterics of giggles bouncing on the seat of the see saw with his cousin at the other end. Jaimee and Brianna played tunnels on the slide while Jakob and Kate played soccer. I sat and lapped up the joys of family time. 

Then we gathered up for a quick game of 2 on 2 football - Luke was on both teams. Hehe.

They finished off their afternoon together by collecting acorns. I set a limit of 15 each, knowing that my house (and shonas!) would otherwise be full of hundreds of "collections". When I gave the 2 minute warning Jakob protested with "aww...only 120 seconds left!".
I dropped off 2 happy cousins (although Jakob insists I'm STILL not the best aunty Nikki in the world despite my efforts!) and took home 3 tired but happy kids. Thanks for a fun afternoon Brianna and Jakob. From the (self proclaimed only) best aunty Nikki in the world!
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