I am writing this blog out for the SECOND time, as the first time it didn't save, as i discovered just when I was about to finish it off!
Our Easter weekend kicked off with us discovering early Thursday morning that someone had hacked our Google account and had spent $200 on in-app game money. I was angry at the person who thought it was ok to spend someone else's money, annoyed that it happened on the same exciting day that my parents were arriving for Easter, and felt violated and insecure to top it off. Not a great start, pouring with rain and i am tripping around town filling out bank forms and police reports.
But things did pick up by the afternoon, although the weather stayed ridiculously lousy. Both girls were chosen as the "Outstanding Achiever" for each of their classes this term - and both received that award for their work in "literacy and mathematics". Made mummy and daddy proud as we clapped for them from the pews :)

Poppa and Oma arrived after school, and the kids were delighted. They had been counting down the sleeps all week! It wasn't long before they had Oma listening to them read, and Poppa building big towers with the duplo. On Friday (still raining), Oma and the girls worked their way through a "can you find it" book, while Poppa played
pop-up-pirate with Luke, who sighed and pouted every time Poppa made the pirate pop instead of him. Poppa soon learnt to put his pieces in at the exact moment that Luke did, so it seemed Luke won every round after that! Tricky Poppa.
Saturday came around fast.. oh wait: side story: I saw on a youtube clip that some kids described Easter Saturday as "Sadder-Day" - because Jesus was dead and the disciples were scared and noone knew what was going to happen the next day. Love it. Sadder Day it is!.

Anyway, Saturday came around fast, and we had a lot of fun. First, we dropped the kids off with Granma and their cousins at a church Easter event and snuck off into town for a coffee and cake and a spot of shopping time. After lunch we made the most of Luke's nap time by having a big family game of
skip-bo, followed by a fun game of
doodle dice. They girls love playing games (and so do us 4 adults) so it was a good time for all. Somehow Poppa won both games!

On Saturday night, it was time to drop the kids off for a special treat - an overnight stay with Granma and Grandad ("YAY - we get to push grandad out of bed in the morning!!!"). Meanwhile, we all dolled up in our finest threads for a fancy dinner at the beautiful Mission Winery, celebrating Grampa Muz' 50th Birthday. At around $70 a head, I was in food heaven with 4 amazing courses: breads, prawns, beef fillet and triple choc mousse! The Merlot flowed, and the company was fantastic with lots of laughs had by all.
me and my daddy,,,,, |
,,,,,and me and my mummy! |
We presented Murray with a carrot for his present - he tells us he is cutting back on sugar. The carrot looked very...odd... on the table when still wrapped in paper, so we told him he must open it!! I did eventually give him chocolate though. And the icing on the cake? A very quiet morning without any children in the house the next day!
(You will have to stay tuned for part 2 of our Easter fun because I am waiting on some photos from Sunday and Monday to come!)
Beautiful photos of you from Murray's party, & your Mum looks stunning too!