Jaimee was very excited about her birthday. She left me this note beside my bed the night before. I giggled, and made sure to say "Happy B.Dad" to her in the morning....
When Jaimee woke up she wandered into my room. Luke was already there, and said to her: "wait a second Jaimee". He wrapped his arms around her. "I need to see how tall you are". I smiled and said "is She taller?" Luke replies; "yep. So She's definitely 9!!!". We all giggled. He is certain that taller comes with birthdays!For a special treat, daddy and I took jaimee out of school for a lunch date today. She said she felt weird walking around with us on a school day! We had a yummy muffin break lunch together.
After school, she was delighted to have Paige come to play (who sadly missed our snow trip last weekend with her brother sick). With phone calls from grandparents, as well as reading her all her Facebook messages - she said "so many people! Tell them all thank you mum". I think she felt super special and loved today.
It was pancakes for tea tonight: her choice! Yum yum! And with that we have. 9 year old in the house. Love you jaimee.
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