Thursday 10 January 2013

Luke is cute!

Things that have us swooning over the youngest member of our family:

1. He has just started singing. He takes a deep breath and launches into some cute little medley that he makes up. This happens often in his day. It's adorable and has us all calling him our little sing star.

2. He just discovered the world outside the car window. "Ooh!" He comments as he points to hills and trees like they are the most exciting thing he ever saw.

3. Luke has started copying words. From his favourite "uh. Oh" to his cute little "amen" at dinner time grace, it has his sisters frantically trying to teach him new words. Today they tried very hard to teach him to say "please can I get down" one word at a time! He responded with "ta".

4. He loves to wave. As he ran through taupo the other day he didn't even stop as he waved to three passing teen girls, leaving them all giggling. He loves waving goodbye to Kate when we take her to daycare too with a grin and calling "eye ate" to her.

5. He is growing up in a world of technology. He came running through with a remote, handing it to me and making high little "mmm?" noises to tell me "how bout some tv mum?" i smiled and relented. When I put the remote down ( to exchange for the correct one) he had a moment of panic and said " oh...oh..." Trying hard to hand me any other remote and pointing at the screen. When it finally came on, he huffed in happiness at my choice of channel and crawled up to the couch, popping his thumb in to blob.

....just a taste of my cutie!

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