Saturday 20 April 2013

Dear Jaimee, Kate and Luke

To my precious children,

I love you. Did you know that I just can't help coming into your room when I go to bed and tucking you in, smiling as I watch your angel faces sleep deeply and without worry. You fill my heart to overflowing with wonder and pride and adoring love. You are the most amazing people. I am so proud of the way you are all growing: jaimee with your huge compassion for other people and a steady sense of Gods power and place of Lord of all. Kate with your utter joy and spirit for life that means you sre never short on friends and also your quiet side, where you just crawl up for a cuddle, getting as close as you can to your chosen loved one,sucking your thumb and twirling your hair (or mine) in your hands. And Luke, I really must stop telling you how cute and adorable you are every two minutes! I just can't get enough of my cheeky giggler, who just loves to make others laugh. You charm us all with your little ways, and I can't stop laughing when you stand where you are and yell back "MUM" when I call your name across the house.

Sometimes I worry. I worry for your future, in a culture that is shifting away from God so fast that I watch like a stunned onlooker, not sure exactly what to do. I worry for your faith, when it has never yet been challenged but boy, that day is coming. At the moment, we are your world and you can't comprehend one in which people don't love God or know Jesus. One day you will know you have a choice. I can't make it for you. But know that I have been praying for your heart since the day we knew about you, and I will continue to pray for you until the day I die.

In your life, you will quickly learn that people lie. They swear. They gossip. They manipulate to get what they want. They are mean. In love, They aren't always married, and they aren't always a man and a women. This is all perfectly normally and acceptable in your world you live in. Remember that Jesus told us we are to be like aliens: to live in this world but not to be part of it. Noone is blameless, we all think wrong, act wrong and are wrong at some point in our day. The difference is in the heart, the forgiveness of a loving saviour and the trying our upmost to live the way Jesus taught us. I pray this is your choice.

My children, I need to remember that I am not solely responsible for how you grow up. I will do my best by you, but I am not perfect. I fuddle my way, and sometimes I get it all wrong. I worry. But I know you have a whole army of amazing people in your life who are praying for you, teaching you, modelling for you and loving you. I know you have a God who loves you even more than I do (although I cannot comprehend that) and angels surround and protect you. This is not all on me, and I must remember that. Listen to your daddy, your grandparents, your godparents, and your church family. I will do my best to surround you with wise and Kind People. Watch them, learn from them. I know you will not always come to me, but do ask them for help as you grow. They love you and will give you wide council. But people are people. The bible is God - always rely on it when you aren't sure of what is right.

the next time I lie awake at night wondering If I should be doing more, exposing you to more, or teaching you more....I will pray for you my babies.

I pray for protection over your hearts and minds and faith and body. I pray that you will be discerning and wise. I pray for your future husbands and wife, that they will love The Lord with an unshakable passion. I pray that you will be strong and. Courageous. That you will be loving and gentle. That you will have the same faith and trust in Jesus that I see in you now.

I pray for a sense of right and wrong in your life. I pray you will choose to follow Jesus, and that you will remember that Jesus loved all people, whether they were prostitutes, embezzlers, Liers or betrayers. He only encouraged them in love to turn from their sin after they had made a heart decision to follow him. We too must pray for and love those who hurt us or we see living a life that is unpleasing to God - but we should not ever be judgemental or treat others poorly.

I will do my best to raise you right, to inform you, to teach, to explain. But most of all I will love you, my most beautiful and precious family.


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