Monday 19 May 2014

Oh dear Luke!

Had to record this one for the archive! 

Over the last few weeks, Luke has been taking himself to the toilet and doing "standing up wees". It's not something I initiated at all, in fact it drives me nits cause he leaves the seat up! But he's pretty proud that he is (only just) tall enough to achieve success. 

Tonight, I heard a bit of a fart noise as he went toilet. Didn't think much of it, figured he was sitting, doing his business. Then I heard a little voice in dismay "OH NO!". I went running to find Luke standing there, twisting his head around and staring at the wee mess he had made on the pants around his ankles behind him. Yep, he had gone poos...while standing up. 

He was devastated at this, smacking his forehead with his hands and saying "oh no! I did poos!" While Marty and I tried not to laugh at his reaction as we grabbed wet wipes and new pants. 

Oh dear indeed Luke, maybe sitting is a good plan eh? A lesson learnt? We will see! (Giggle) 

1 comment:

  1. haha, gorgeous. I can just imagine him slapping his forehead! Thanks for sharing the giggle. x
