Saturday - togs at the beach. Sunday - POURING with rain. Yep, this is Auckland. Sunday was our "city" day, saying goodbye to the bach and hello to Poppa & Oma's amazing huge home in West Harbour. Our plans for the zoo were dashed, although I did consider it in the rain a few times, that is how keen I was to go! Ah well, the zoo can wait until next time. We quickly made some alternative plans, taking a trip to the Stardome Observatory with Poppa. I had to beg our way in as they were sold out, but at the last minute they managed to squeeze us in with a kid on each lap. It was the girls first movie, and it was on the roof while we sat in reclining chairs! We watched "The little star who could", a movie aimed at preschoolers which had them learning all about stars and planets.
We followed up with a spot of shopping at the HUGE secondhand clothing store in New Lynn's SaveMart. The boys took the kids to the Mall across the road, and us girls got to work...but I still didn't have long enough to cover the whole massive warehouse of clothes. However I did manage to get us all a thing or two. I love SaveMart!
Then it was back home for dinner. My parent's place is so cool, it sprawls out over 4 levels. I must admit, we were super nervous to be staying in a home that is used to adults (or teens) only with our super curious little Luke ready to explore and touch everything....and the brand new carpet had Marty and I on edge for sure. But nothing went amiss and we had a lovely time just hanging out with my family as my sister(18) experimented with painting her nails with marble colours and my brother (almost 21) tried explaining to me how he does these
amazing sketches using a tablet on his computer.

On Monday we were out the door by 6.45am with the kids dressed and the car packed. This was the bit Marty was here for - the World Cup Triathalon! After a mildly stressful parking dilemma with 3 hungry kids in tow, we managed to make it a game to walk all the way to the prime viewing area. I was quite surprised, I didn't realise how big an event this was! With over 3,000 competitors in Auckland from all over the world, this was huge. We were perfectly timed to order breakfast, then watch Marty's cousin run past us, followed soon after by his workmate (who are in the same age group). Just after breakfast, they ran right back past us to the finish line where we cheered them in loudly. Perfect! We made our way to the finishing area to give our congratulations...Marty's cousin Jonathan finished 7th in the world for his age group, a great accomplishment! I was equally impressed watching the over 85's age THAT is amazing!
Marty with his Cousin Jonathan and their kiddies |
We went for a walk after their race was over, killing time before my Aunty was due to start later that day...There were so many competitors that they had groups starting every 3 minutes from 7am right through until 4pm! There was never a dull moment. While we walked through the city, I saw several homeless people begging, something I don't recall seeing when I lived there 10 years ago. It is sad. We also walked past an ambulance crew performing CPR for several minutes on a man with a bloody head on the sidewalk. We prayed.
After a quick shop, it was time to watch my Aunty Di. We had prime viewing again, being able to spot her in the water, and from their up to her transition point for her bike leg. We yelled and screamed as she ran past us with the most determined look on her face. I don't know how she was even upright after being in the cold ocean for that long. You are so fit Aunty Di, wow.

Her olympic distance race was much bigger then the guys sprint had been this morning, so we had time for lunch as she did her bike ride. We got back to our spot by the runners just in time (really, all day the timing was awesome!) to see her come past us twice as she turned the corner and began lap 2. Look at her focus - she didn't even flinch as Marty and I yelled our support, she just kept on going, looking straight ahead. After another 5km, she came back towards us and we screamed encouragement to her as she was only metres from the finish line now. Her face was completely different this time with the end in sight! She grinned at us, let out a whoop and gave me a big High 5 as she ran past. We raced around the corner just in time to see her run into the finish line on the big screen. 32nd in her age group- well done!!! Aunty Di was buzzing as we greeted her at the finish, telling us with huge grin "That was so much fun, I just want to do it again". How is she related to me?!

Although Luke wasn't so impressed with having to stay in one spot for so long, the girls loved the whole day, getting right into the spirit of things by cheering on everybody that came past - no matter what country they were from! They figured out the colors for Team NZ and AUS quickly, and so yelled out their support whenever someone came past from these countries "GO NEW ZEALAND...GO AUSTRALIA". Marty told them to wash their mouth out with soap..hehehe, no politics on my girls! We asked them if they would like to do a race like this one day....Jaimee was quite keen. They practiced hard today, having mini races as I commentated: "Here comes Kate, first in the 3-5 age group....Jaimee is powering through for the 6-8 age group"... Maybe one day they can compete with their dad and great Aunty all in the same that would be cool!