A few months ago, Marty mentioned that he would be keen to go to Auckland for Labour weekend because his workmate, work cleaner, cousin AND my Aunty were all competing in the World Cup (age group) Triathalon. I was keen to go and see my family (as always) so we made plans. Our family and friends weren't competing until the Monday, so we hopped it up to my dad's bach at Snells Beach for a few days first. After our nightmare travel journeys in the school holidays, we took a gamble and left home at 5am, popping the kids into the car in their PJs and sleeping bags...hoping they would sleep until breakfast time in Taupo and we wouldn't spend the entire day travelling.
Escorting the girls through the gardens |
Luke has fun in the playhouse at the bach |
Our plan kind of worked, Jaimee slept the whole way and Kate quietly looked out the window sucking her thumb. But Luke didn't stay asleep and within 40 minutes was grizzling. Marty was feeling sick, so I was driving the whole day. Going through the Taupo hills with a sick husband and a screaming baby wasn't that fun, but Luke finally fell asleep again half an hour out of Taupo. I tapped Marty awake and whispered that we were going to bypass Taupo, no way was I stopping with everyone asleep! After a yummy big cafe breakfast in Tokoroa, the kids all dozed and were happy all the way into Auckland...Wow. Auckland by 11.30am - that just does not happen in our family so we were elated! Wendy's was a treat for lunch, and then it was back in the car for the last hour up to the bach. The girls LOVE the bach. Kate pondered on a thought to me: "Mum, nobody lives at the bach eh?" I replied "No, it is a holiday home for Poppa and Oma, they come here for...(hmmm...how do i explain this to a 4 year old)...for a play!" Kate was happy with my explanation and told me happily "Yeah, its like a really big playhouse eh mummy!" I laughed, yep - a big playhouse sounds good!

As soon as the groceries were away, the girls were hounding me to take them down to the beach as promised. It was super windy outside, but no problem - there are 4 different beaches facing various directions, so there is normally a sheltered spot somewhere to be found. Dad suggested we try Algies Bay, so off we went. It was awesome. No wind at all, just sunshine peeking through for our afternoon. The kids had a blast, even though the tide was completely out. They set to work collecting shells in the wet sloppy sand, with a very happy Luke getting absolutely filthy.
Can you even see the water? |
This is what I love about the beaches up north - they are so darn safe! The water will stay really shallow for ages, so even if the kids did go and play at the waters edge, us adults can watch happily from a distance. With the water line so far out today that they didn't even get there, we were able to read books and chat to each other, giggling as we watched Luke sit down (fully clothed) in puddles without even a flinch, he was so intent on trying to dig and splash.
The kids got filthy, I had to rinse their clothes in a bucket before I could even think of washing them in a machine! ...But I didn't care...they had fun after a morning in the car. And so did we!
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