Today was our last touristy day before we leave Edinburgh, and it rained just to give us a real taste of the lovely weather here. Wasn't going to stop us though! Daniel and Danielle, Mum and Murray, all joined us for a trip to the Palace of Holyroodhouse (The Queen's Edinburgh Home) this morning. This was one of my favourite tours when I went 10 years ago, but over the years they have moved away from tour guides to audio tours, which lost a lot of the personality to the tour. However, it was still interesting to giggle away as we told the story about the hundreds of portraits in the Great Hall - they were all done by one artist in a hurry because nobody really knew what the ancestors looked like, so the pictures are pretty much the same face with different features and angles! We saw the bloodstains (or quite possibly, red floor polish to make it look more interesting) where the Kings men murdered the Queen's lover by stabbing him 56 times. And guess who the Kings man was that carried out this grisly task? Yep, another one of my lovely ancestors. Oh dear. The Abby was beautiful in its ruined state to wander through too.

Next up was the Butterfly & Insect house, which Daniel had suggested we do. It proved to be a great idea, we all had a blast here. I wasn't sure how I would get on with the butterfly house, in the past I have had mixed experiences. One that I did in England freaked me out so badly I had to leave within about 30 seconds because they were huge furry things. But this time I did pretty good I thought, although mum captured the truth - this is how i walked around most of the time:

But I was brave and reached out an arm to hold one - calling through my teeth "mumm......It's on me....quick....take a picture....take the picture!". We had time for a quick photo shoot before the next bit too....
Josh and I are FIERCE. Grr.. |
Hanging with my daddy and brother. fun! |
sister silly faces |
me and my bro. He is so lovely. I love you Daniel |
After looking around the amazing reptiles on display - everything from massive snakes, Iguana's and Nile Monitors to tarantulas, giant ants and chameleons - It was time for the dreaded handling session. Could I go through with this? I really wanted to. But I was not sure I could do it.

First up was the giant millipede. No worries. It was really tickly, like a hairbrush bristles on you and it was hard to touch. Not at all slimy, fast or gross. I held it twice. But still, check out the way I clench the hand it is in with my other hand. That turns my hand into a platter, not my hand at all really so i can hold a platter with a bug on it much easier then holding a bug.
Next up was the snake. I was actually looking forward to this one. Snakes are awesome to hold. This python felt amazing as its pure muscle moved in our hands. I held both of them - the smaller one even licked me with its flicking tongue which was very weird. Cool animal, I could have held it all day long.

But last up was the tarantula. The one that I wasn't sure whether I could go ahead and do, even though I kind of really wanted to. The man explained that these are harmless, blind and very docile animals - they won't really move at all. I watched in silence as all my family happily held it and took photos. I didn't say a thing, just stared. Then it got to the person next to me and I realised it was now or never. I had to make a choice. The nerves kicked in big time - I really really wanted to hold it, but my body was freaking out on me. I turned to mum and she saw the tears in my eyes as I started to freak. She said something about it being ok to pass, and I broke into tears. I really wanted to do it, but I didn't know if I COULD. Noone else had noticed I was upset at this point, mum called dad over and he came and gave me a reassuring hug. The handler was expert calm. He told me to take a deep breath, relax my shoulders and take my time.

I couldn't even look as he put it on my hand. I was too scared that I would pull my hand back and the spider would drop to the floor or I would kill it or something. So I just didn't look while he put it on me. Then I sneaked a wee peek, with arm still way out in front and me shaking. It felt like nothing. A very very light feathery touch where the feet are but that's all. Light as anything and it didn't move an inch. But I was HOLDING A TARANTULA.
The handler then took it off me, told me to take a breath, relax and gather myself up and then he gave it back to me. This time was a little better. I managed a nervous smile for the photos (its not a real one I assure you), and dad told me to look at the camera but I wasn't sure about tearing my eyes from my hand - what if it MOVED. I did a quick side glance.

I really appreciated my brother as I look back at these photos. Look at the intense way he is observing and making sure his sister is OK. He has been like this the whole trip, occasionally giving me a hug or an arm around my waist and checking on me or just having a nice chat one on one. I have really missed our closeness, we were great mates as kids, and I feel like this trip has really given that back - I didn't realise how much I missed him until I am with him again. I love you Daniel.
Just as I was about to wash my hands, the handler told everyone I deserved a round of applause...and then said "But you know what is even better? Holding it a THIRD time" and then he carefully placed it back on me, commenting on how much better I was coping the more I touched it. OK, so it was just a thing that sat on my hand and didn't move at all, but still. I held a big big spider. It was on me. I am so proud of me!!!
And that was our day. Castles and spiders. And snakes. (oh my!) Good fun.
ooo, goodness!