Saturday 27 October 2012

Some Moments to Remember!

The whole point of this blog is to have a record of some of our family life events.  Well, each of my kids have something worth remembering....

JAIMEE lost another tooth on Friday.  Yep, that makes SEVEN teeth gone for my little girl!  She is leading the class on their "tooth chart", something she is very proud of since a lot of the kids are a year older then her!  After complaining about not being able to eat for the last two days, I was over it.  I suggested she bite into an apple and went back to my coffee with my best buddy, Vicki-Lee.  Well, two minutes later, a grinning Jaimee runs back to me, apple in one hand and tooth in the other, her mouth a bloody mess.  Luckily she had no idea she was bleeding, she was far too caught up in the excitement of having her annoying tooth out!  She popped it straight under her pillow, even while telling me "I know you are the Tooth fairy mummy!"  That didn't stop her waking us up this morning with a panicked cry: "Mum...Mum....The tooth fairy DIDN'T come!". Oops...totally forgot!  Marty went and remedied the situation, coming back to our room and declaring that Jaimee had looked under the wrong pillow, silly girl....!

LUKE is getting more and more curious and clever, and we have been kept on our toes this week!  Marty ran a bath for the kids the other night, checking emails as he waited for it to fill.  Suddenly we heard Luke chatting from the bathroom.  Marty walked in to find our son IN the bath, completely clothed in sweatshirt, Jeans and shoes, playing quite happily with toys in the bath as it filled up with HOT water.  We laughed, but were glad we found him before the water got any hotter or he went under.  Time to shut that bathroom door during bath time!  It's not his only climbing adventure this week either - this afternoon he tried to climb out of his cot for the first time and succeeded...falling to the ground with a big cry that brought us running!  Oh dear...
KATE got to have a special adventure with me today while Jaimee was at a birthday party.  The poor girl hates it when her sister gets to go to a party that she is not invited to.  Never mind that the role is reversed occasionally!  Our car was a mess after all our trips, so after giving it a good vacuum, we took it through the car wash for a decent clean. The car wash is a HUGE treat in our house - it has only been done perhaps twice before and the kids LOVE it.  Check out the grin on Kate's face as she sat in the front seat and we giggled as the car got a scrubbing.  I love these moments- who needs a theme park when you can have a car wash trip!   

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha the tooth fairy forgot to come to our house last week too - just as well Brianna also knows she isn't real and was happy to put the tooth under the next nite (we had even forgotten to put the tooth under the pillow!!! I remember those falling out of cot moments - Brianna did it twice!!! And yep our kids love the car wash too!!!!
