Thursday 30 May 2013

Vomit and ancestors (who would have thought they would go together in a title!)

If there is one part of my job that I really don’t like, it’s the ‘being in charge’ bit.   This week I have had to step up and ‘be in charge’, sorting out a couple of differences of opinion.  I don’t like doing that, I hate conflict and I hate being the one to make the call.  There were tears, there was ‘I-don’t-wanna-go-to-work-anymore” whining, there was grumbling.  But I got through it with God’s help and a lot of prayer warriors.  And I came out the other side this week feeling encouraged in what I am doing, appreciated and feeling a bit stronger in my leadership skills. 

And then there has been the drama (sickness) on the home front.  Luke got up late Monday night for a cuddle and then vomited all over Marty and our (waffled texture) couch.  We managed to get him to the sink or over a bowl from then on, knowing the vomit cues well by now having been through this with the girls!  But our couch was not smelling that flash the next day.  He woke up right as rain Tuesday, but I had a killer migraine.  Marty was good enough to take the day off work and give me a day in bed.  I used it well – a book, a couple of movies, and a lot of sleep.  Bliss.  I felt much better by that evening.  This morning (Thursday), Jaimee woke up and told me “mummy, I have a sore tummy and my poos are like wees”.  Marty and I shared a look.  I had the Ministry of Education visiting playgroup that morning, and he had already taken a day off work.  We rang my mother but Murray was taking her into hospital for an eye operation that morning (what a terrible daughter I am, I had no idea!).    So poor Jaimee was locked away in a side room at playgroup with her computer and a book.  She did very well until we were in the car on the way home, when I turned around to see her clutching her tummy and moaning.  Think fast mum!  I grabbed Luke’s lunchbox, dumped the contents on the passenger seat and handed it to her JUST in time.  Good save, clean car. 

What else in our home?  Marty had his first food challenge last week, and we have discovered that yes, wheat is a no-no in his tummy.  He felt pretty gross that week.  This week the challenge food to re-introduce is onion, and I have (literally) been PRAYING that he will not react to it.  Onion is in so many sauces, satchets and meals.  We had onion last night….and so far, no reaction! YAY!  I am so excited about this.  At least I can make bread and bake for him using spelt flour (wheat free but not gluten free so still tastes ‘normal’), and wheat free/gluten free is so normal these days, its not an issue eating out….but onion?! Cooking separate dinners for the rest of my life was not something I was looking forward to.  Let’s hope the garlic challenge next week goes well, then I can get back to some of those yummy Thai and Indian recipies I had been trying before this whole diet.

As for me, I have indulged in a bit of escape time this week through movies and books - something I find that I really need when I am stressed out with work or other challenges and commitments.  I have just discovered that the kid’s new tablet is also a wonderful e-reader, so downloaded the kindle app and purchased my first ($4) book, one of those books on the top of my long list of recommended reads by ‘’.  I am loving reading a good book again, I just love fiction and thanks to the internet and a world of reviews freely available I need not download a dud book again.  I’m considering Dan Brown’s book next, its half the price to purchase it as an e-book!  Luckily my reading time is only when the kids are in bed or at school, so we can share this toy easily. 

Luke got his first haircut from mummy this week.  It was a bit of an impulsive decision, although I had been considering it at the back of my mind for a wee while to do.  I used the clippers on the highest setting we have (1”), I figured it was safer than the scissors to get even.  I am pretty happy with the result too, and it looks pretty darn cute with a bit of product in it spiking it up!

Speaking of my cute kids, this week at the dinner table Luke made me smile as he said 'grace'.  He put his hands together just like the girls like to do, squeezed his eyes shut and babbled something quietly to God, before saying a resounding "May-men!".  This follows up Kate's declaration the night before after we read our Bible together: "Mummy, nobody is perfect.  Only Jesus".  (Smile moment).

And lastly, I have been getting back into my family tree after purchasing an updated version of the software I use.  I panicked the other day when I realised that my FTM software was from 2006 and might not work on the constantly changing world of technology for much longer.  After moving my file across to the new software I breathed a sigh of relief as it all worked fine!  I am really proud that I have over 4,000 names in our family tree (both our sides) thanks to some wonderful work that our parents have already done.  I really pray and hope that one day one of my children will continue to keep this up, I find it really fascinating to learn about our ancestors stories and see their photos.   Check these gems out that I have found along the way....
Thats my great-great grandfather on my dads side: Alfred Towns, his wife  Fanny and their family.    Check out the Indian servants.  I could do with a servant occasionally myself.  I love the outfits. And the dog.  This photo just makes me want to know more about their life.  

This is my great, great, great grandmother on my mum's side.: Margaret Mathie.  She travelled to New Zealand from London in the late 1800s on the ship "Oxford" with her 5 children.  Brave lady!  There was a big storm and two of the masts snapped, leaving them adrift for 5 days before another ship sighted them.  
This distinguished looking man is Hart Udy, (my 4x great grandfather!) who came to NZ in 1984 with his family.  Luke's middle name is Hart, as this was a popular name in the Udy family history - it was this Hart's fathers name too! Hart was a carpener and a lay preacher, and founded the first Anglican church in Lower Hutt.  He was the Mayor of Greytown twice over too.  Claim to fame: his son (Hart Udy) had a son (Hart Udy) who was part of the first ever All Black team (then it was "NZ National Rugby Team")!

This good looking man is my grandfather and my mum's daddy...Onslow Thompson.  I reckon I would have had a crush on him if I knew him.  It's no wonder he fell for my grandmother though - she was just as beautiful as he is.  

Check out the mustache on Philip Linyard, Marty's great great grandfather!  Marty's middle name has come down 4 generations now with Luke taking it as one of his. He sailed to NZ in 1913, but went home to England eventually.  He was a sewing machine mechanic and was one of the first people to ever be cremated, because he thought it was a healthier way to bury remains!

This is Frank Trowbridge, Marty's  great grandfather.  His parents died young and he was raised by his big sister.  He managed a general store after he got married, and was called up to serve in war in 1941.  Thank goodness his wife and him had one child, a son, or we might not have our current Trowbridge line!
This interesting looking couple are Marty's great, great, great grandparent: Charles and Ann Gilberthorpe.  Ann is a name that has come down strongly through both our family lines, and my girls have claimed this as a middle name proudly for at least the 5th generation in a row!  These two came to NZ from England in 1859 for the grand old fare of 66 pounds.  If only it was that price now!

This beauty is Marty's great great Grandmother Hettie Maidment.  This is one of those photos that leave me wanting to know more about her personality.

...There are hundreds more amazing photos, and I am hunting more down all the time.  And this is one of the reasons why I write a blog - I am preserving our story, our photos, our family for the generations to come.  I wish these characters had written blogs.....


  1. Love Luke's "May-men" :-)


    Great family tree images.

    Good that you've found out that wheat is a no no for Marty. Fingers crossed indeed that onion & garlic are OK.

    Hope everyone remains bug free for a while. There are lots of nasties going around at the moment.


  2. I don't know that how to use these apps. Can you give me some suggestion through by your post.Thanks.
