So when we put the house on the market, we were desperate to find a nice neighbourhood above all other criteria in a house. God is amazing....Marty's workmate let us know that his mother's neighbour passed away recently, the house was quite good, he could contact the family if we wanted. Yes please, why not?! The family actually 'interviewed' us - they just really wanted the house to be looked after by a nice family - they wanted US to be wonderful neighbours for Joyce (Marty's workmate's mum), as Joyce had looked after their mum so well.
Over the last three years, my nerves have healed with some great neighbours....It is peaceful and quiet, with 3 single adults on all 3 sides of us! I try really hard to be a good neighbour back by sharing fruit and veges with all my neighbours and making a point to stop and chat when we are both outside. A couple of years ago, our neighbours (Joyce and the people on the other side of her) got together for a few wines on Christmas Eve, followed by a lot of giggles as they helped us put the trampoline together as it got darker and darker!!
Joyce is awesome, the kind of neighbour who has you over for a wine on a summer's evening, and lets us use her washing machine when ours broke down. We chat over the fence, the girls love to chat to her and she came with presents when Jaimee was in hospital. A few months ago she came over with some fresh fish for our dinner, and today she said she would like to mow our lawns for us as a christmas gift. Here she is bouncing the kids up and down in the wheely bin to fit in all the grass clippings - they thought that was so funny!
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