So how did we spend Christmas day?
Then we got ready for church, which was a really cool service with carols, drama, you tube clips and a hearty chorus of "Happy Birthday to Jesus" by all the kids. It was really important for us to take this time to remember God's gift to us at Christmas - Jesus Christ his son. Then we went to Poppa's house and the girls waited patiently for us adults to get the roast sorted so that they could finally get stuck into the presents!
Poppa and his grandkids enjoy the presents together |
Luke is fascinated by Poppa's dancing, singing dog! |
After lunch, the girls decided to do a 'production' for us that they had been busy rehearsing over the last couple of days. We listened to them sing and dance to a few carols together, it was very cute to see them performing for their family.
Aunty Danielle |
I was determined to update the family photo finally, so snapped this cool shot of us all with my wee timer on the camera!
Back row: Garrett (Danielle's man), Jaimee, Mike (Poppa), Marty, Kate, Joshua and Luke
Front row: Danielle, Anneke (Oma), Nikki and Stephanie
The 2011 family photo! |
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