Wednesday 20 November 2013

Fads and strawberries

On Sunday jaimee staggered into our room at 5am to inform us she had just vomited in the toilet. Thank The Lord she is a tidy sickie. Thus said, Kate and I were on our own at church that morning. After she got to choose where we sat (at the front of course mum) and we stood singing to God arm in arm together during the service, I decided to make use of the special opportunity to spend some one on one time with my middle child. So we headed out to the strawberry patch to pick a heap of yummyness in the sunshine. She looked a real pretty picture in her fairy dress, made my heart sing. After our hard work she begged me for an Icecream and I didn't take much persuasion (I love their icecreams!) so we giggled naughtily together as we ate Icecream BEFORE lunch! Such fun! 

In other news, I forgot how into projects I get. In the last fortnight I have been:

-utterly passionate about my job (by the way- found out I'm accepted into Carey Bible college next year today!!) 

- gone slightly crazy on pilates (buying apps, DVDs and equipment all in 2 days because I rediscovered how much I enjoy this style of workout - I have a bad habit of doing this (see below comments about cross stitch and crochet) 

- planned a murder mystery night and then got so excited I purchased another game for the next one, even though I haven't even held the first yet. That's how I roll. 

- started and finished updating the (4) photo albums with photos from may to October. Did the lot within a few days. Feel so accomplished right now!! yes, I do get a little fanatical about projects. Like when I discovered crochet I went out a brought all the stuff, spent hours hunting patterns and ideas. An like when I got into cross stitch - similar story to crochet. And now I have all these projects to complete with not so much time...Looking forward to the school holidays and a tad more time. But NO more projects nikki! 

1 comment:

  1. You and I are SO alike... I love projects too - am guilty of doing that as well. I have so much stuff to do! LOL ...SUCH FUN!
