Sunday 25 November 2012

A blogger, I am.

So this afternoon I sat down to upload some adorable photos of Luke's first time in the paddling pool and found this lovely screen appear:

"Whoops! Sorry, you have used up all your free storage space.  You can either end this blog, do it without photos, or PAY US MONEY to keep it.  See? Nothing is for free.  You fell for our ploy but we get you in the end...(evil laugh)"

....Ok, so it may not have said QUITE that.  But still.  I can't pop up any more photos.

 I immediately googled for a fix it.  And found none short of creating a different blog under a different account and starting from scratch again.  No thanks.  I have poured hours of smiles, laughs, tears and trials into this blog and I even know some people who like reading it.

I have learnt that writing is my thing.  I LIKE writing down my thoughts and reflections.  And I, being a product of our times, am a much faster typer then writer.  This blog has become quite a therapy for me, not to mention a wonderful outlet for the social bunny in me who likes to share everything in her life!

I was invited to speak at our church AGM tonight, and was all excited about that before it hit me that this was ADULTS I would be speaking to.  And not just my friends, but the wider church family of all generations and personalities.  Gulp.  So I sat down and started writing.  I wrote word for word all I wanted to say (see my faith families blog, I copied it to there) and just read off my paper.

I got applause!  People were nodding, the vision was cast and caught.

I may not be the most wonderful speaker...but I can write.

And I WILL keep writing.  Even If I do have to pay for photo storage space.

Because this is my thing.

This is my equivalant to Marty spending money to enter some biking event that I am sure he could have done for free on any other day.  He likes to cycle.  I like to blog.  I don't get  why you would pay someone to ride a bike route.  He doesn't get why I would pay for a blog page.  Humpf.

We will agree to disagree.

At the end of all this though, the reality is that between buying my iphone and a lot of music on itunes lately....I have not a cent left on my 'pocket money' debit card for another few weeks.  So either Marty caves and transfers me some money, or this blog stays photo free for the next fortnight. Considering I just went to the optometrist for an eye ulcer, filled the car up THREE times this week (thanks to a Taupo trip for the afore mentioned bike race), did a HUGE grocery shop tonight (way over budget) and still have to buy rabbit food tomorrow....I am guessing I might be waiting.

God, grant me patience!

PS I will pop the photos up of Luke in the pool eventually.  We had a lovely afternoon enjoying our first real taste of summer...paddling pool fun, iceblocks and chilling under the trees and a BBQ dinner eaten outdoors. Bliss.


  1. I have never heard of this. I'm wondering how I've never been sent a message like that, I must have more photos than you due to blogging for longer right? Hmmm, I think I'd be like you, blogging without photos just isn't the same aye. Maybe print your blog out so far using blurb and then start over. I keep meaning to do this anyway so a message like this might just be the prompt I need. (a blog book will require saving up too though, another reason why I haven't done it yet:) Sorry we missed the AGM last night, We were well and truly stuffed after our thanksgiving feasting. I'm going to read your report now on the other blog.

  2. I'm one of the people you loves reading your blog! You write so well. I think it's a great idea you decided to stick with it, like Mum said $3 is less than a cafe coffee these days, & it's worth the pleasure it brings you.
