Wednesday 6 March 2013

Homework time

I just had to take a moment to record how homework time rocks in our home at the moment. So that i don't forget how adorable my children are, especially in those moments that I know will come when I am barricading them to a desk to do homework one day!

Spelling time: Kate eagerly sits ready with pen and paper as I read out her words. Luke takes one look at what is going on, says "oh!" And runs off with purpose. I shrug and carry on. Next minute, Luke is back, proudly gripping a pen in one chubby hand and a fresh piece of paper in the other. He plops it down next to Kate's paper, and turns to me expectantly, pen at the ready to spell the next word! Both Kate and I giggle. As I read the word, Luke babbles something in his own language to Kate, probably just chatting about homework stuff, and then they both put pen to paper, little heads bowed in concentration. Both kids turn to me for the next word and my heart melts just a little.

Reading time: I suggest Kate reads to Jaimee tonight (it's the same book I heard last night - give me a break!). Jaimee immediately jumps to the important mother role with great seriousness and importance. Kate reads nicely to her big sister, both heads together as they huddle on the coach. After, Jaimee insists on asking Kate questions about the story , just like we do with her. Jaimee asks a question, and has such a "teacher" expression on her face as Kate thinks of the answer (with a huge grin) that I am totally cracking up laughing inside. After a few questions from teacher Jaimee, the roles are reversed. Jaimee reads her story to Kate, getting totally into the characters and storyline - laughing as she shows me the clowns falling with pie on their face And extremely upset with the nasty clown who did tricks "mum, she is so mean - that wasn't even the other clowns fault!". I melted more as I listened to my girls help each other and enjoy their books. Of course, Kate was not to be outdone and asked Jaimee some questions too: "what did the clown say?" ( I had to suggest she give a page number for Jaimee as the clown had said an awful lot in this book!!).

There - some precious homework moments captured for the record. I love my children.

...oh, and as a PS on the subject, Kate got the school "mathlete" of the week trophy today - a huge thing for a child only at school a month! You go girl!! Once Jaimee understood that this award does not mean Kate gets a canteen voucher like she spent weeks earning last year (only for "gold" achievement) - then she was very proud of her little sister! Hehe

1 comment:

  1. They are such smart cookies, and very studious! Well done to them, and you and Marty for your support and encouragement.
