Sunday 17 March 2013

Just stuff

Luke has a visit from the Police at our Playgroup on Tuesday.
 He was a bit nervous but "wee-ew-wee-ew" is what he says now when he sees a police car!
 Wow, has it been a week since I last sat down and wrote a blog post?  Must have been a busy week.  Oh yeah...It was.  Blogging is really a bit of a keepsake journal for me, so bear with me as I do some 'unpacking' on paper  computer.

So this week, I got my very first relieving job as a teacher.  Pretty exciting to be using my degree for work again, and money is stupidly tight in our home at the moment, so I was keen as mustard (why is mustard keen?)!  I rocked on up to "The Big House" at Rascals (3-5 year olds) ready to play and I was not disappointed.  The girls stared at me in dumbfounded shock when I started pouring cups of tea and cooking dinner for them...but it didn't take long for them to join in.   I had about 8 children crammed around me as we explored an encylepedia about animals, giggling at the funny looking sloth.  Ok, so I served up yoghurt instead of lasagne, but I happily put that down to being a reliever and not knowing where the food was, all is forgiven when you are a reliever.  I like this!  Playing follow the leader outside in the afternoon I was a happy lady, serving where I love to serve - having fun with a bunch of preschoolers...and the best bit? As my energy lagged 5 hours was time to go home and collect my own precious children!  I left with a few more working dates lined up, which I promptly celebrated the best way I know how - by shopping!

Yep, I stopped on the way home to pick up a mattress, duvet inner and pillow for Luke (we had been gifted the linen - whew).  The girls loved helping me make up the bed as soon as we got home, and Luke just loved having a quick snuggle.  That night he refused to go to bed (in his cot) happily, so I popped him under the covers in his new bed.  The thumb went in, he gave me a "what-is-this-crazyness" look and I kissed him goodnight.  Peeking in a few minutes later, he had not moved one muscle and was still lying there a bit surprised with eyes wide open!  After 20 minutes, he still hadn't moved or closed his eyes...but at least he was quiet...and a little bit relieved when mummy finally put him back in his familiar cot, where he promptly fell asleep.  Today we had the same drama at naptime....but this time when I put him in his bed he actually fell asleep on his own and slept for 2 hours before toddling out to us.  This is going rather well so far!

What else this week?  Kate had her first playdate on Friday afternoon at a school friends house, I think it is actually the first time she has gone to a friends without Jaimee for support beside her, but she was so excited it didn't even register until I went to pick her up....and the mum told me that she had started crying after about an hours time for me!  Luckily, the clever mother found the best way to keeping my Kate calm....she gave her food...and Kate enjoyed the rest of her time.  On reflection, her little friend Ariel is from a (really really nice) Indian family and the culture difference might have been a bit daunting without mummy there for the first visit.  These little girls are moving up to the next class together next term, both of their parents lead in local churches, we even live on the same street!!! Needless to say, we are embracing this wee friendship.

While Kate was out and Luke was napping at Granma's house, I sat down with Jaimee for some much desired (for both of us) one-on-one time together.  Jaimee had been given one of those paper model kits for Christmas - you know, the ones where you press out a zillion cardboard pieces and slot the numbered tabs into the numbered slots and make a castle/treehouse.  After about one piece was completed, with mummy trying very hard not to throw the cardboard on the ground as the stupid tab just did not fit into that tiny slot..and Jaimee rolling around the carpet staring into space and singing a song...we both realised that this was not a great team project.  Jaimee became the chief "hander of tape", while I spent TWO HOURS putting together the treehouse.  It now sits proudly on her chest of drawers, safely out of Lukes hands, gathering dust and no adoring glances. Really.  Why do I bother! Oh that's right, because she is Jaimee and I love her.

The girls were SO excited to be going to a birthday party on Saturday morning, and I just loved the invitation, which came as a golden ticket carefully folded inside a Wonka Bar! Anna, you are so my girls want a Wonka Party too: I think the chocolate fountain, burping contest and other fun games may have something to do with this!  In preparation, we watched the original movie for our weekly "movie night" together on Friday night.  The kids just loved the movie, and really got into it.  Marty and I had quite a trip down memory lane too as we sung along with the Oompa-Loompas.  I never realised as a kid that they sing a different funny verse when each child gets 'eliminated'.  Hmm...actually, as I write that I think this movie really is quite Hunger Games-ish isn't it?!

I finished off my busy week with a flying visit to Auckland, pulling the kiddies out of bed at 7am on a Saturday morning and bundling them into dressing gowns to hop in the car and drop mummy off at the airport.  Luke went rather big eyed at the plane, but luckily waved me off happily as I boarded.  When I returned today, you would have thought I had been away for a year the way the girls launched on me at the door screaming "mummy-mummy-mummy".  Luke pointed to me and said "mumeeeeee" with a grin, but wouldn't come to me all day - much preferring daddy then this mother who dared leave him for a night!  I wonder what he will be like after almost 3 weeks without me later this year?

It was worth the trip though, I always find that when I get together with other inspired children's ministry leaders my 'tank' gets full up again to overflowing, and I feel recharged for at least another 6 months afterwards.  I was encouraged and affirmed, loved and challenged.  I came home with a sermon on the tip of my tongue and a determination to share a vision.  I love training!!!  I came straight from the airport to our church service, and then led some training with new kings kids leaders over pizza.  And then I went home and collapsed on my bed.  Needless to say, it was takeaways for dinner.

And that is me for now. I leave you with my adorable son and his favourite game: "'eady...doe!"
It makes me and Marty laugh out loud every single time he says it, even when he is barely able to breathe between tickles!

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