Sunday 24 March 2013

"O-My-Toe-a" Family Camp (The toe story)

The sun was shining.  The camping ground rang out with the sounds of happy children dragging heavy wooden benches around to create obstacle courses.  Everything was well at Omatua, where Village Baptist Church were hosting their annual family camp.  

Suddenly a loud piercing scream broke the happy calm.  A child was crying somewhere, noted Nikki as she continued to try and settle Luke for a late afternoon nap.  Kate is crying somewhere, noted Marty as he set up the upcoming relay race.  The cry carried on....and on.  

All of a sudden it dawned on Nikki that the voice was her own childs.  Racing out of the cabin, she raced across to where Kate sat clutching her foot in a most distressed state, surrounded by concerned adults and peers.    

Looking closer, Nikki could not help but observe the gushing blood now dripping all over the concrete.  From one direction appeared Marty, who had realised that Kate's cries had still not stopped.  From another direction appeared a doctor and a nurse (the blessings of having a few medics in the church family).  Nikki scooped up Kate and raced to the toilets to clean the crimson toe.  
Cut to the next scene. 

Nikki is sitting on the cabin steps, with Kate in her lap.  The doctor holds a wad of paper towels around the toe, which is still gushing blood.  People are everywhere.  One goes for Kate's favourite teddy.  Another rescues the screaming Luke from his cot.  A quick debate between Granny and Grampa Muz follows: Who will take Kate and Nikki to the hospital, half an hour away.  Kate screams throughout all the commotion.  Pamol is given, bandages are swiftly found.  

Cut to the next scene.

 Nikki had whispered in her ear on the way into the A&E that she was allowed to start screaming again now if she wanted, but with no luck.  Drat, thinks Nikki. A sleepy (perhaps in shock? wonders Nikki with worry) Kate waits 2 hours to be seen by a doctor.  While Nikki updates facebook with the breaking news, A loving Granny reads countless books to Kate.   Kate returns the love by teaching Granny how to play Angry Birds.
 Kate helpfully shares that she wants a bandage that people can write on.  Nikki does not.

Finally, the wait is over.  But wait, the doctor wants an X-ray. . Multiple 'mummy' reassuring voices fill the air as Kate bursts into tears at the sight of the strange big machine.  After the first xray, Kate realises that this machine does not hurt and calms down considerably.  Looking at her (unbroken) toe on the screen helps even more.  Granny and Nikki share a relieved look.  

Cut to next scene. 

Kate is carried into the doctors room with a big smile on her face.  Nikki and Granny walk in with somewhat more sobering thoughts, anticipating the screams that are to come as the bandages come off.  An angel enters the room.  No wait, it is a child friendly nurse, armed with bubbles, a calm and friendly voice and best of all - drugs.  The doctor examines the foot while Kate peeks curiously.  He breaks the news quietly so Kate doesn't hear....
....The cut has narrowly avoided the nail bed, meaning surgery is not needed.  Stitches can also be avoided he believes.  All adults in the room look much more relaxed.  Drugs are given.  The nurse gives control over to the patient.  Kate washes her own foot while a disbelieving Nikki watches on.  No tears.  Not one, even as blood seeps into the water.  It just may be a 5 year old Triage miracle.  

The angel nurse cheerfully and carefully makes 'mountain climbers' conquer her big toe one by one.  5 mountain climbers, with a special fat lead climber to go across them all.  The child watches on silently with great interest as the mountain climbers then get tucked up tight in a special bandage.  Granny and Nikki grin as they watch a true expert at work here.

Finally, 3 hours later and feeling rather hungry, thirsty and a little fed up at having missed the entire afternoon's activities at camp...the three generations of girls make their way back to camp to tell the story.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to read all will be well.Olli and I prayed for her toe on our drive home. You're right Nikki, it did make a good blog post. Kate you are a trooper! (so is mum and Gran!)
