Thursday 15 March 2012

I don't do mornings.

For lack of a better subject to blog about at the moment (as I am sure you are sick of reading about vomit and tonight Marty had his turn so I will just ignore that one), but knowing that I would like to record something at least twice a week from our lives, today I choose to talk about mornings.

I am NOT a morning person.  Between the hours of 11pm and 7.30am, I am pretty much a zombie.  "What! You are the most bubbly lively energetic person ever Nikki?!" you say?  Come see me at 7am.  It is not pretty.  There is no photo.  There is an unspoken rule in our marriage.  I do the daytime thing....Marty does the night time thing.  I think this is only fair since he gets to spend his days sitting on a chair.  I do occasionally take my turn (not at all grumpily....ok....maybe a little grumpily), like when he has been up 5 times already or is sick.  But it is a rare occasion.

Marty on the other hand, copes rather well in the mornings.  He still reckons that he is not a 'morning person' - but I reckon that anyone who chooses willingly (and for no external reason at all) to get up at 6.30am on a Saturday morning when the kids are all asleep still so that he can go out in the cold and ride a bike (again, for no external reason at all) for an hour or so....well, he has to be a bit of a morning person. I would much rather stay in I do.

Here is a typical evening to morning in our house:

9.30pm - I am considering having another snack and watching another TV show that I taped.  Marty is considering going to bed.  Sometimes I talk him into another show, sometimes he goes to bed and I stay up or read a book.

10.30pm - I  get ready for bed and perhaps even read for a while...yep, even at 10.30pm I am still willing to open my book.  Marty may be reading in bed at this time, or is already asleep.

11pm - I collapse into a deep sleep, not to waken for anyone.  Yes, that is right...Me, a mother, does not normally hear my children when they wake in the night.  Maybe something is wrong with me.  I used to...when they were babies.  But over the years, Marty has proved himself a very reliable baby monitor, and so my body has learnt to leave him to it.  Or thats my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it.

2am - Luke wakes up crying.  He has probably wet himself through again.  If Marty has not already gotten up, I may eventually be roused and hear him.  I pretend to be asleep and 'accidentally roll over and nudge Marty in the back as I do so'.  Marty normally gets up....sometimes I may have to repeat the accidental nudge harder or pull his hair or something in my sleep....but it normally works.  (Side note: He tries this trick occasionally when he is really tired or has gotten up several times already without me knowing...and I get so so grumpy at him for doing it! I am aware how selfish  I am at night).

2.30am - Marty brings Luke in after unsuccessfully trying to get him to sleep.  Luke immediately starts whimpering and holding his arms out as soon as he sees me.  Drat, nothing will distract him once he sees me.  In zombie mode, I half sit up and reach for him.  He launches himself backwards and opens his mouth expectantly.  I latch him on and then go back to sleep while he feeds.  Repeat other side.  I try and work out how to make my body move so that I can get him back into his own bed.  Willing it to move is not working...finally I force myself up.

7am - Marty wakes me up with a hot coffee and cereal beside me.  He got up half an hour ago, but I have no idea of this as I was still FAST asleep.   I ignore breakfast and want to go back to sleep, but the knowledge that the coffee will be cold soon and the cereal soggy is to much to ignore.  I get out of bed and as far as the heater on the floor before I sit down again to eat breakfast, eyes still half shut as I try and pray while I sip my coffee.    If Luke wakes up, he is fed and then deposited with daddy until I have finished my quiet time.

7.20am - I have finished my breakfast and my daily Bible devotional/journaling time.  I have still not said a word to anyone, and I am still half asleep.   My family will not disturb me until about 7.30am - they know not to mess with mummy before she ventures out of the bedroom (Actually, Jaimee is following in my footsteps, we have to force her awake at about 7.30am).

7.45am - I emerge from my hibernation, shiny and fresh smelling, dressed, painted and decorated.  I am ready to morph into super mum.
...... Until 11pm tonight, I am on duty.  
And just in time for a quick kiss from my husband before he leaves for work

As I sat here writing all of the above....I am well aware that my husband has just vomited again.  I guess I will be doing the night shift tonight.  I just hope he feels better in the morning!

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