Saturday 3 March 2012

Nasty Nits

We had our first visit from the nasty nits in our house discovered today.  Not too bad considering we have two girls with fairly long hair who have made it thus far through daycare and school without so much as an itch.

Over the last couple of days, Jaimee has been complaining of an itchy head, so I have been checking her (and her sister) daily, but hadn't found anything. However, today while I was in the middle of making a meatloaf for dinner, I scratched at my own neck and EWWWW - found a bug in my fingernail.  There is nothing so creepy as the idea of bugs living on your head.  Instantly, it makes your scalp tingle and you can't help but scratch.  I dropped everything and checked Kates hair.  Yep,  there they were, teeny tiny brown flecks around the ears in her otherwise beautiful blond hair.  I couldn't find a thing in Jaimee's hair, but then her hair is brown so they probably camoflogue better, the sneaky little things   Get out of my girls hair. How dare they invade it.

I jumped in the car, walked into the closest pharmacy and told them I needed everything they had.  Ok not quite, but I needed something.  They recommended the electronic zapping machine - the best and most cost efficient treatment.  No worries, I was already onto that stepmother has one from when the kids were constantly getting them, and I had made a quick call to her before going out.  It was on its way.  I needed something to get me by until then. During this conversation, I tried very hard to refrain from scratching my own head....don't want to freak out the poor lady.

Kate was first into the 'green cap of shame'.  Jaimee thought the comb smelled delicious (coated in tea tree oil I guess) and walked around sniffing it while I treated a very compliant Kate.  I must say it felt very odd to be spreading oil through my daughter's hair....until I saw the first horrid critter try and make a break for it down her neck.  Got ya!  I showed Kate the evidence....she was fascinated.  

After the required 10 minutes of suffocation period - DIE NITS, DIE (really its a bit barbaric, isn't it - suffocation or electric shock them!?) Kate had a good shower... and I sat down to comb her hair out.  I will never forget the one time that I had nits as a child and had to sit patiently as my mother combed my own waist length hair for TWO HOURS with the dreaded nit comb.  Mum collected the nits in a jar.  They were huge and disgusting and oddly fascinating.
So i grabbed a bowl of water, and set to work.  Luckily, It didn't take two hours, and it didn't hurt - I had warned Marty to use lots of conditioner in the shower!  I did however, find plenty of dead nits, much to the girls delight.  "Is that a bug mum? Can I see?" they said, peering into the bowl every time I rinsed the comb.   Kate decided they were HER bugs..."I know mummy, we can keep them as pets!!"  Umm..."they are dead darling, and they are gross. No pet nits" I replied firmly.  I almost took a photo of the water after I finished, but decided that was just a bit too much even for my blog.

Jaimee followed with only a few found in her hair, and lastly I treated myself - nothing in my hair after all upon doing the comb test - I must have caught a jumper on my neck.  Nasty Nits.  I don't like them.  Why do we always associate them with "poor, dirty and unkept" anyway?  I am sure it is because of all those novels about the poor immigrants who had to have their heads shaved before being allowed on the ships or whatever.  I do remember reading ONE novel where the maids were checking the rich ladies of the house for lice...but it is certainly not the common association.  Its not like the stupid bugs are picky.  But still, how DARE they invade my girls hair.

We had to wash all the hair ties and brushes, buy a 'preventer spray' for the girls hair and next week we have to pop the green cap back on and do it again.  We will definitly be checking every few days from now on until they get through primary school once we get this electric zapper...I remember hearing the reassuring 'ZAP" occasionally as it was used in our own house growing up every week. with girls...I had been expecting this to pop up at some stage, but that doesn't make it any less time consuming!

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