Friday 7 September 2012

The little things...

I started the day with my normal bible reading.  It was all about using time wisely and making the most of every opportunity.  I then had a peek at my facebook account and read a wise friend's blog about cutting back on facebook time in order to spend more time on actual people in her life.  Coincidence? I think not.

So I was prompted to do another big facebook 'cull' to help me stop reading for hours to catch up on random status posts and I made a decision to put some boundaries around my computer time.  I had noticed that I had started using it more and more after school - which is precious children time in our house, so off it goes during the hours of 3pm-7pm now!

 I also decided to use this blog more and my 'status' updates less - otherwise I find myself sneaking back to the computer to see who has commented or liked my posts all day long!  Anyway, I can say so much MORE on this - and we all know how I love to chat...even if just to myself as I type this!

Hopefully these small adjustments to my usage of time will mean more time for the little things like this:

Jaimee has been asking me for about a week to sit down and do "lots of little plaits" in her hair after a friend came to school with her hair in this style.  With no computer turned on, and the washing put away, I sat down with a coffee and cartoons and my kiddies and spent the next 45 minutes plaiting her hair in 16 plaits.  I actually wanted to do it in much more plaits, but realised that that would take a couple of hours and I needed to make dinner...Jaimee was happy with her 16 plaits and has gone to bed with them in so she can wear them like this to swimming lessons in the morn.

What else happened in my day?  One other big thing worth noting - this morning as I pulled out of the driveway, about to launch into our morning prayer, Kate piped up: "mummy, I am going to do the prayer today" she told me importantly.  I smiled.  "Ok darling".  She prayed for each of our days in turn, that God would keep us safe and help us make good choices and give us a nice day.  It was wonderful listening to her pray for her family.  Later, after dropping Jaimee off at school, she asked me if I could now pray.  It's so special that they want me to do this - I hope they still ask  me to bless their day for many many years to come.

Till next blog....

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