Christmas Day. My favourite day of the year. I am always first up in my household, especially since our kids normally sleep in following the church service we go to on Christmas Eve. This year was no exception, but 4.15am was a little too early even for me....stupid heat! I attempted to go back to sleep, dozing until Luke woke us up at 6.40am (very unusual for him to be up so early). Jaimee stirred at 7am, and shook her sister awake. I was amazed - Christmas early in our household! Normally I am itching to wake up the troop by 8am, but this year I got lucky. Stockings were promptly opened. Although we tell the kids over and over again about Santa not being real, they still love the idea of Santa, and still asked me what time he filled the stockings up! Luke had his first stocking, full of plastic animals which he thought was pretty cool. The chocolate was even cooler though!

Since the kids were up at a normal hour, we had time to doll ourselves all up and still make it to church, which was like having a family christmas party all on its own. I loved being able to hug all our church family and wish them a merry christmas. We went straight from church to our first 'event' - brunch with Marty's family (and my mum's household came too). The tradional waffles loaded with icecream and berries was yummy as always, and then the kids had great fun opening presents. Check out the adorable chef outfits that Nana made (Kate got one too but was in a funk and wouldn't pose).
Matching outfits for my men! |

After the crazy large family Christmas that we all love so much (really, I do!), it was home to open our family gifts for each other. I admit that my 'love language' is gifts, much to the dismay of my husband, so I may have gone a little teeny bit overboard in my love of watching people open gifts. Marty got nerf guns and water guns this year (4 of each), resulting in a loud and fun war this afternoon in our backyard! I was a little worried Marty would take my much used iphone off me and wrap it up for me as that was my main gift this year, but luckily his threats went empty!
Gramps (Marty's dad) joined us for a relaxed afternoon tea at home while Luke slept and the girls played in their new sprinkler, cooling off in the heat.
As Gramps walked out the door, we rounded everyone up for the final part of our day - dinner at my mums. I was looking forward to this, mum is well known for her amazing meals and I knew she had gone all out. Check out the menu that was set out on the table for each of us. The kids even had colouring sheets with crayons at their table!
Mum had her best friend Mandy and her beautiful twin girls staying for Christmas. Mandy has always been my 'big sister' growing up, so it was great to catch up with everyone. There were lots of laughs, just the way Christmas should be. We went home feeling very very full and very very satisfied.
We spent boxing day playing with all our new presents and relaxing, finishing off the day having a wine with the neighbours. Bliss.
Did I mention I love Christmas?
...dinner |
...and dessert! |