Marty's sister and her family were up from Palmerston North, and invited us to join them at the National Aquarium. We were keen, hadn't taken Luke before (although he went with his Barnardo's Christmas Party last month with Granma) and they had new penguins. We were a little put off by the price ($54!!!) but figure this is an 'occasional' outing so what the heck. I actually tried convincing Marty to pay the $119 for a yearly unlimited pass, but couldn't convince him despite my best efforts to shell out that kind of money at this time of the year when we have none!

It was lots of fun, Luke loved the "ish" and was soon making fish sounds with his mouth on demand. Cute! What is it about fish that have us all staring. They don't do much do they, they don't give us cool expressions or anything, yet they still hold us captivated as we stare at them swimming in circles, all looking exactly the same. Must be a boring life. Guess that's why God gave them such short memories.
fascinated! |
The penguins were little and cute, although not keen to come and be interesting, they hid away until the keepers pulled them from their burrows to show to us!

I think the best part of the aquarium would have to be the excellent diver who feeds the fish. He puts on a real show, having nobody watching the fish at all while he blows water rings, turns somersaults and clowns around with the kids watching. Luke and the girls watched him for half an hour, mesmorized. I actually thought it safe to leave him with his sisters for two minutes while I went and saw the family. Silly me. He took off down the shark tunnel and we all had a moment of panic!
Granma and Grandad came along too. Check out Luke sitting with his Grandad, just chilling together.

Afterwards, we met up with cousins and friends at the park down the road for a play, followed by a special icecream together. My girls ordered lolly icecream, and asked if they would have a lolly in it. "Of course" I said laughing, as I asked the young lady serving to ensure they had a lolly. Duh. It is lolly icecream.

Well. There was no lolly in either cone. Jaimee had a COMPLETE TANTRUM. I did manage to score her a lolly from the lady, who looked at me like I was a total lunatic when I asked for one for the disappointed child! Kate coped better as her buddy Seth kindly shared from his cone. But it was full on sulks from Jaimee. Of course, as always is the way when one child is tantruming - her cousins didn't get a lolly either but behaved perfectly well. Hate those parenting moments, and it really wrecks giving the kids a treat! Ah well, on the whole the day was good fun, and the happy memories will outweigh the meltdown!
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